May 27, 2020

You Can’t Cover up your Wounds with Positivity.

accept your lows for what they are and what they want to express
no soul is happy all the time; fear, sadness, and anger are a part of our existence—a part of who we are
it is not a shameful thing to feel upset

“cry it out,” they say

then again, happiness is favored
for no one likes a negative Nelly

we are taught that the pride we feel is the justification for our success
a success of feeling blue, perhaps? for it is a natural thing

now ask yourself this:
how often do you feel proud for those feelings of sorrow?

hypocrites of our words, we push our pleasures out to the world, hiding the uneasiness that lies within

but for what?

surely not to make us feel better, because by our logic it would be okay to
express the doubt freely without being mocked out as a creep

not to say all joyfulness is a sin—everyone needs to be happy
I wouldn’t want to be called Nelly, now would I?

I just leave you with this:
our deepest wounds aren’t fixed by flimsy Band-Aids
and our fake positivity won’t stop them from coming

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Erinn Elizabeth Frantz-Bush  |  Contribution: 490

author: Erinn Elizabeth Frantz-Bush

Image: Loredana Lavino / Flickr

Editor: Kelsey Michal

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