May 26, 2020

She is Goddamn Electric. {Poem}

She’s bad

because she doesn’t listen

to the dull should’s of society

brainwashing women for centuries

on the art of being small and voiceless.

she listens to

a wildness brewing inside.

she feels

outrageous pleasure.

she speaks

the hard-won sound of


this is good

because it means

she is full of life,

darkness in the thick velvet of midnight,

ripe ruby cherries

as the full moon

melts in her mouth.

sexy because

she knows who she is

and doesn’t apologize for it.

it is nothing to be sorry for.

smart because

she doesn’t have to act like a man

to succeed.

intuition is her guide

through it all

defying limits—

makin’ magic

feeling deeply.

lightning is her middle name

obstacles shatter into dust

by her feet.

freedom will be hers today.

she will not save you

she will not be your everything

she will be herself, honey.

she is the howling wind on a clear night

footprints on the forest floor

the smoldering sky at sunset

standing messy

and naked

in her courage

in her truth.

in her power.

this moment is everything.

she is goddamn electric.



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Sarah Harvey  |  Contribution: 84,555

author: Sarah Harvey

Image: Tucă Bianca/Pexels

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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