June 27, 2020

We don’t Understand what Wisdom Truly Means.

As more knowledge is becoming available to us, we might think that wisdom is an automatic byproduct.

I will be honest: knowledge has nothing to do with wisdom.

This obsession with acquiring knowledge and pretending to be the master of everything is good for our ego but not for our inner self.

Knowledge is knowing what to do; wisdom is knowing what not to do.

The true meaning of wisdom is learning from our past memories, traumas, and accidents—knowing how to act when a similar situation arises.

Wisdom is not about forgetting and forgiving. We forgive to maintain a level of peace for ourselves, but we must remember the cause and effects of difficult situations. We need to know what to avoid and how to respond when these things happen.

Wisdom is remembering what hurts us and using it as a lesson as we go forward in our lives. But it does not mean that we need to relive this hurt again and again.

Many of us think that letting go means completely forgetting. No, it is, in an effortless way, an act of letting go of the aliveness that it has in our minds. We cease reliving it or letting it live within us.

We must understand this. It is the core reason for our anxiety-ridden minds.

Wisdom is looking within when something hurts you rather than blaming the external factors for your unhappiness.

Wisdom is not non-action, but the right and conscious action that one takes. It is not from the ego, but from their heart.

Wisdom is flowing like a river and keeping resistance at bay for what is happening now.

Wisdom is silence over noise.

Wisdom is joy over fear.

Wisdom is acceptance over resistance.

Wisdom is an act of surrender.

Wisdom is accepting this moment fully and entirely—feeling the eternity of this moment. It is recognizing that we can never escape the thin line between the past and the future—the now.

Wisdom is accepting your inner-self, knowing all your flaws, understanding your unique language of love, and expressing it in different ways.

Wisdom is knowing your truth. It is finally knowing the answer to the question: “Who am I?

Wisdom is love.

Wisdom is peace.

Wisdom is this moment.

Wisdom is “I am.”

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Megha Shah  |  Contribution: 2,055

author: Megha Shah

Image: Masha Raymers/pexels

Editor: Kate Force

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