July 23, 2020

You Deserve to be Loved & Desired like This.

In the light shining through her, she is beautiful.

In the passion of her life’s story, she is beautiful. In the depth of her conversations, she is beautiful.

In the embrace of her hug, she is beautiful. In that bright smile of hers, she is beautiful.

The first day of coffee, talks, and giggles; the humid cover of night, filled with her voice, tells her story.

I stand here, thinking. I am in awe. Like the nascent starry moonlight, as the sun-kissed dew drops on the grass this morning, like the fire crackling in the burning desire to find the elusive love, she shows up.

She shows up with her infinite shine. And I am here, looking at her—looking in awe.

She is not someone I know yet.

The mystery of her smile, the song of her soul, is a kaleidoscopic mix of known and unknown. She is the recipe for passion and life, so new and refreshing.

Is it real, or is it fantasy? Is it a fragment or an illusion?

The questions will remain answers to seek.

But right here, right now, in the moment of this joyful life, she shows up with a heart that is so beautiful.

Hold on, Future; I want to enjoy this moment.

Our pasts have drowned us; we both are trying to breathe. Our pasts have scarred us; we both are trying to show it.

Our pasts have marred us; we both are trying to rise above.

Who cares what we get in a new dawn?

What matters is that we show up in the morning sunlight, in our hearts, in the dim, dark hour of the cold and warm night in our souls. For I am here, she is here.

We are living the story of our lives, right now at this moment. We are lighting up the darkness of our pasts, one moment at a time. We are in love and burning in our ashes.

Our pain has made us loving. Our suffering gave us grace.

Here’s to the chance of a new friendship, the chance to be present in each other’s company.

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Rish Mitra  |  Contribution: 280

author: Rish Mitra

Image: youtube

Editor: Kate Force

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