July 22, 2020

You Won’t Want to Stop Eating this Vegan Beetroot Hummus. {Recipe}

This hummus’ vibrancy alone is enough to make you want to chow down on it with some raw veggie crudités.

It is quite sweet, so I like to add a good dash of lemon or lime, but you can tweak it to suit your taste.


>> 200g of drained chickpeas (you can use dried, just ensure you have soaked them overnight)

>> 1 medium size roasted beetroot—chopped

>> 2 garlic cloves

>> 1 dessertspoon of Tahini (I prefer hulled but entirely up to you)

>> Olive oil (to taste)

>> Lemon or lime juice (to taste)

>> Salt and pepper (to taste)


1. Rub your beetroot in some olive oil and wrap in foil. 

2. Roast at 180 degrees for 1 hour or until soft. 

3. Peel when cooled.

4. Add all the ingredients into a mini food processor or use a stick blender and process until smooth (make sure to leave some texture). 

5. Adjust seasoning to taste.

Serve with raw vegetable crudités, chips, crackers, etc.


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author: Ammelia Valentine

Image: Taryn Elliott/pexels

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