July 30, 2020

A Poem for when Life feels like an Insurmountable Task.

I have a daily morning ritual: wake, coffee, journal, meditate.

Whether things are going great in life or I’m going through a tough time, this has been a consistent practice that helps set the tone for my day. I’ve been practicing meditation in some form or another for over 15 years and writing regularly in a journal for nearly as long.

Years ago, I picked up The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, which got me started with writing three pages every morning.

Over the years, what I write and how much I write has shifted and evolved, but recently I have found a writing recipe that I really enjoy: one page of stream-of-consciousness, one page segmenting my day, one page of creative writing.

On my first day of journaling with this new recipe, I woke up feeling tired and unmotivated for the day after having not slept well. I think many can relate to this as we all go to bed and wake up nowadays with the disturbing, sad, and horrific news of the global pandemic, economic uncertainty, racial unrest, and political turmoil.

Add to that our own personal situations and sometimes showing up to life kind of feels like an insurmountable task.

I felt compelled to share the following poem, “Moving Mountains” from my page of creative writing as it quickly shifted my mood and perspective for that day.

Author's Own

Moving Mountains

Showing up to life
The shadows drown me in
The peak so far away

In spite of the darkness
I trust that the glimmer
will guide me
I show up with greater
a soft knowing

Called to climb
in Grace
with ease
Some times a mighty leap
others a small step
knowing my foothold
is supported
knowing I’m on the path

The journey
never straight and narrow
always organic and free
a powerful

I climb
I rise
I am

the mountain.

Sometimes that mountain is the big dreams we’re contemplating or the goals and deadlines we’re facing; other times it’s simply getting out of the bed that can feel overwhelming to us.

Whether the poetic words resonate or you’re called to put pen to paper, I invite you to pause, write, or read the words. As we do, we can shift our thoughts, then our feelings, then our actions. Then we can see results.

When we show up to life, allowing ourselves even the smallest faith, we can trust that we will find the strength and grace to move mountains.

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Beth Bloom  |  Contribution: 190

author: Beth Bloom

Image: Christopher Ott/Unsplash

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Marisa Zocco

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