August 17, 2020

3 Unexpected Signs Your Manifestation is Coming Your Way.


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Hey, it’s me—the fitness nut who took two nasty falls in the space of three weeks.

I pose the million dollar question: Why on God’s green earth would I attract severe injury when much of my joie de vivre comes from biking, hiking, riding horses, and doing HIIT?

There’s a reason why and I discovered it yesterday. It’s a form of the Law of Attraction, but it’s not what you think, and I’m totally pumped.

Come along with me on my journey and I’ll connect the dots along the way for you.

The onset of physical challenges.

At the end of February, on the brink of the pandemic, I was lifting weights, pyramiding, and straining to finish the last set of shoulder presses. I pushed it too far and damaged my AC joint (I’m guessing through deduction). The injury has since put a squash on my lifting weights.

Loss of job due to the pandemic’s effect on the economy.

On May 1st, amid a 30-day quest of listening to Bob Proctor’s “Calm Guided Meditation to Gain Abundance, Love & Happiness,” I lost my full-time job, which had been getting in the way of the things I wanted to manifest—such as time to craft customized pitches for my book Calamity to literary agents and get back to cracking on Calamity’s sequel blog.

The first fall.

On May 3rd, I took a nasty fall whereby my knee hit the ground, taking the full brunt of my body weight at the onset of our favorite five-mile hike. Dennis helped me up, and my knee blew up with fluid. Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt. We managed the first mile’s steep incline and finished the hike an hour and some change later.

The second fall.

Compromised carrying a 30-gallon bucket of bird seed, I fell off the top step of our porch stairs. Dumbfounded to a galaxy beyond the Milky Way, I lay there, my cheek mashed to the ground, and pondering, “Did I just fall, again?”

Dennis helped me up and a bump began to swell on my left shin some inches south of the inflamed location sustained from fall number one.

Message of loving support.

It was getting harder and harder for me to get up. However, the universe sent me a little message before the fall, which didn’t resonate until the next morning. It told me “don’t give up” in the form of hearing Kate Bush and Peter Gabriel’s duet as I walked Sabrina passed by a neighbor’s house.

The universe working through YouTube’s algorithms.

This is it, folks. The reasons for my sustaining injury. I finished up Bob Proctors’s meditation and looked at my Mac’s display. YouTube had queued up a handful of similar videos, including one from Master Sri Akarshana: “3 Unexpected Signs Your Manifestation is Coming Your Way.”

I couldn’t press “play” fast enough. I just had to get the video underway.

>> The first sign, Sri says, that your manifestation is coming your way, is that you experience a loss—that would be my job. Check.

>> The second sign, he says, is that “an odd request” is made of you—Dennis had made an odd request of me a couple weeks back that didn’t sit well with me. Check.

>> The third sign, Sri says, is the universe gives you a challenge (or in my case, a series of them) to see how you manage it. Aha! The universe is testing me. Focus on the positive. Practice gratitude. Triple check.

Epiphany in motion.

There, you have it. Depression over. Pilates over. Drowning myself in booze and tater tots over. Onto low-impact circuit work with lightweights.

I’m up for weathering the challenge, Universe, like the fighter I’ve always been. Check.

Dennis and I have been crafting a pitch and proposal for a literary agency with agents who pride themselves on nurturing and championing their writers. We’re hoping to send them the submission in the next couple of days.

What do you think will be the outcome?



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author: Lisa Mae DeMasi

Image: julika.illustration/Instagram

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