August 5, 2020

How to “Manifest” the Life of your Dreams like a Badass.

Author's Own

I’m walking down the beach, with the breeze in my hair and the sun on my face.

I’m walking with purpose, but with no particular destination.

I feel a sensation deep in my heart that’s telling me that I must keep going. I follow that instinct, although I have no idea of the outcome of my journey.

I continue, gripping my notebook and listening to the waves crashing onto the shore—a consistent mantra accommodating the pattern of my thoughts.

I remember this day like it was yesterday. More than a year ago and many walks, runs, and adventures later, I am still following that little feeling inside of me that says “Yes.” It is this very feeling that had me walking on that foreign beach, unsure of what the next day would hold, but loving it anyway.

It is this feeling that has me thanking the Universe every step of the way for relentlessly giving me everything I’ve ever needed.

I met a guy who has a tattoo that reads, “The more I wonder, the more I wander.” This sticks with me for more than one reason.

Yes, we wander as we travel and we marvel at the world, but I find peace in wondering about this life thing that we’re busy living, and how we manage it all.

The deeper I contemplate the Universe and her wondrous ways of working, the deeper I understand her, and so my gratitude multiplies. Then a humbling thing happens: she opens up to me like a book yearning to be read. She flips her pages, one at a time and enables me to rest my eyes on the magnificent words that make up her story. And there, I wander. I wander through her beauty and her dark side. I wander through her lessons, her virtue, and her reward. I wander through my own wonderings, and the answer is always provided.

We just need to listen.

There are constantly people and places pulling us in different directions.

There is always some sort of decision that needs to be made.

There is always a challenge or two in our path.

We wouldn’t grow if we didn’t have any of this.

The trick though is to not hold onto any of these circumstances with fear. The trick is not to worry about tomorrow, not to stress about what may or may not happen, and not to lose sleep about what we cannot control. We ultimately do not have control anyway.

We can try to make things happen the way we think we want, but we can never create the exact outcome that we had in our minds from the get-go.

For a long time, I had my sights set on an exact path for me. I’m an entrepreneur and I had pride in my business; I was dead set that it would be my baby to grow and nurture for the rest of my life.

I pushed, I pulled, and I tried my hardest to make it work. Eight years later, after pulling in every manner that I could, I eventually decided to let it go and try something else. Although the business itself was a success, I felt that it wasn’t giving me what I needed. So, I let go.

I knew that I had a passion for people, events, and creating experiences. I had no idea what I was going to do with my passion, but I followed my intuition and decided to relocate from the comforts of the wilderness to Cape Town.

It was only once I moved here that things started to unfold.

It was as if the Universe had said, “Okay, you’ve proved that you’re ready now.” It then placed various opportunities in front of me, all of which I took; none of which really took off. The entire time, if something didn’t work out, I kept telling myself that it was all okay, because no matter what, abundance is everywhere. I believed the Universe would always provide. And it did.

The Universe provided even in times when I had no stream of income; there was always something supporting me. There was always healthy food and lifestyle situations—wonderful people and everything that I needed at that time. I believed that the Universe had my back, and it did. Every step of the way.

I was never sure of precisely where I was going, but I was certainly enjoying the ride.

Don’t get me wrong: I was in no way just lying back and waiting for the answers to fall into my lap. I worked at it, every day. I grabbed each opportunity that came my way and created new opportunities out of seemingly nothing. I rode the waves and I tumbled into the water a few times, but I always got back up again, ready for the next one to come washing in.

And then, one day, out of nowhere, the mother of all waves came in.

“Shannon, you need to apply for this” were my mom’s words the day she shared a link on my timeline for one of the coolest jobs I’ve seen going.

I’d never applied for a job in my life. Ever.

I have always worked for myself and I’ve risen to occasions when they’ve presented themselves. This particular occasion had my thoughts swimming in a multitude of different emotions, thoughts, and scenarios. I hesitated at first, but then eventually I went for it, under the same notion that I have for almost everything that I try: What do I have to lose?

Three interviews and six months later, I find that I’m sitting with the perfect job (for now, because the Universe is like that) and exceptionally grateful that I took the plunge.

I had no idea that my efforts would amount to this. I’m being led and sculpted into the human that I’m supposed to be. I’m learning and evolving, growing and loving. I feel like I’m riding a tsunami, with no idea where it’s taking me—but damn, it’s an exhilarating ride!

It’s an amazing feeling to look back and realise that everything that you have ever done, failed at, won, or succeeded in has prepared you for this very moment.

Plans have shifted and plans have been made for you to be living your best life.

All you need to do is trust that shift. Trust the process, because this is what makes you who you are.

You are the process.

The Universe has your back, bro. And it’s f*ckin’ awesome.


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author: Shannon Smith

Image: Author's Own

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