August 16, 2020

If You Really Love Me—Stay Away from Me, Babe. {Poem}

Vlada Karpovich/Pexels

Stay away from me, babe

Or you’ll get addicted

Don’t fall for me, hey—

I’m way too twisted.

A rare, sweet mixture

Kind of different,

And I love to call it gifted,

But there is nothing that can fix it.

Nothing that can fix it.

I’m gifted in other ways,

And I’ll always stay the same

So, let’s play a fair game.

If you really love me,

Please do so from far away, yeah, far away.

Because I don’t seem to change.

There is a whole ocean deep inside of me

And I really need my space.

Don’t say that I don’t understand

Because I do—I really do.

I once loved the ocean

From far away too.

But I don’t love you.

Don’t love you.

And I’m sorry to say

That there is no other way.

I just want you to stay

Away from me, babe.

It’s your chance

For a great escape.

If you really love me,

Please don’t ask me to stay, don’t ask me to stay—

Because I don’t seem to change.

There is a whole ocean deep inside of me

And I really need my space.

You won’t need me anymore, I promise—

Once you found that love from within

You’ll feel what I feel, I assure you.

Keep digging; that’s how you begin,

This is what I did until I found

Right underneath my skin a whole new ocean

Where the waves come crashing in.

And today, I don’t have to love

The faraway sea anymore,

Because I found my own shore.

So maybe I really have changed,

And maybe the mountains

Can now try to make me stay,

And calm the water that’s rushing

Within me all night and day

But you, babe, should stay away because

If you really love me,

Do me a favour and walk away, yeah, walk away.

It seems I have changed.

There is a whole ocean deep inside of me

And I finally found my place.

Believe me when I say

We will both find love another day.


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Janine Friedrich  |  Contribution: 7,750

author: Janine Friedrich

Image: Vlada Karpovich/Pexels

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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