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August 9, 2020

It’s complicated ..

To be in love is a feeling, to start showing you are in love is a decision, when you show it either it will be going smoothly or complicated, good job if it is going smoothly you will live your best moments ever, good luck if it is complicated you will suffer and suffer, some relationships should remain hidden for the rest of your life, cause of the very hard consequences of showing it, but don’t ever forget that there are 2 persons in this relationship, who knows maybe the second partner of this complicated relationship will talk about it and you will be suffering specially if you know for sure what the results will be and how it will end anyway, first you suffered from hiding your feelings, second you suffered from showing it, third you suffered from the over thinking of it’s consequences, etc, take a break from this complicated situation anyway, stop your attempts, specially if you already know that it’s feelings from only your side, put it in the black box through it into the sea, pray for God that your second partner won’t ever publish your crazy and unthinkable actions, pray for God that your soul mate won’t hurt you by showing your weakness points to people, pray for God that your love will appreciate the risk you took by showing him/her how bad you can be just to feel him/her, and just run away from it, you will be suffering but come on you are suffering anyway, so suffer in silence with no consequences ..

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