Every now & then I succumb to this feeling of being completely overwhelmed by the power of the Universe. It’s that feeling when you have everything around you going haywire, yet completely perfectly in sync at the same time. It truly is bizarre – It’s sort of like that feeling when you’re in your car & it’s a torrential downpour outside. You’re watching it all happen & you appreciate it because our trees need water, our dams need filling & you’re tired of topping up your swimming pool. But you know that you need to leave the comfort of your car – You need to get into that restaurant where you have a date with an amazing human & you really don’t want to get your shoes wet or have your hair stuck to your face when you arrive, only to fuzz out 10 minutes later. In fact, you don’t mind sitting there at all – The raindrops pelting your windscreen are quite therapeutic, until you realise that you’re officially late.
That’s when it hits – Overthinking. Overwhelming disorder within the perfect divine that is meant to be. Havoc. Chaos in paradise. My hair frizzes just thinking about it. My heart races. So many things to do in this life – We want to travel the world and take beautiful pictures that accommodate exotic hashtags. We want this adventure, and we also want a career. We want to establish ourselves & go to our favourite bar with our long-life friends whom we would do absolutely anything for. We want to excel in our vigorous yoga regime & beat our last run time. There are so many places we can go, so many people to love and experience. How can we ever expect one lover to understand us completely and help us unpack all the baggage we’ve accumulated through the years? Why would I stay in one job when I know that there is so much more to who I am and what I want to do? You ask yourself these questions and weigh up odds – You make justifications for doing whatever you want, but then you think of something else that puts you back at square one.
Shit. 10 Minutes late. Maybe they’re late too? Maybe they’re also sitting it their car, checking their watch & hoping that you ordered the drinks already because they have no idea what they feel like drinking tonight. Wine gives them a headache & beer makes them bloated. Ooh, Vodka. But is it a vodka kind of night? It’s raining outside, doesn’t that mean we should be drinking wine? Do I look okay? Damn, it really is pouring.
There’s a woman I know who has music in her veins. She has lived a remarkable life, traveled to many places, doesn’t ever have money issues & she has the most solid group of friends I’ve seen in a long time. I admire her strength, no matter what stands in her way. She oozes adventure and security at the same time. She has been hurt but has a heart of gold. She is, no doubt, a beautiful creature. She is among many of the humans in my life who leave me feeling awed & inspired. My brother, for one. My Mom. My Dad. I actually just have an awesome family – straight up. There are people I work with who are complete nut-jobs but they are so perfect in so many ways. The only flaw? I find myself comparing myself to them. My timeline is then suddenly out of wack, I’m too focused on the wrong things, I don’t party enough, or I don’t speak enough. I overthink. Here we are – back at square one.
Maybe I should just turn around and go home to my dog? I don’t have any messages on my phone. Maybe they got cold feet. My feet are pretty damn cold. I knew I should’ve worn my comfy boots. But they didn’t match this frikken awesome jacket I’m wearing. Does it even matter anymore? Does any of this matter? These stories that we spin ourselves, these universes in our minds that separate us from the rest of the world, these insecurities that we protect with layers of defense mechanisms – What is all this??
15 Minutes late.
About 50 meters away, a lime green umbrella pops out of an SUV & a figure steps out. Five steps are taken forward, then “Ahhh, my wallet” – retract – open the car with the umbrella sticking out awkwardly over the roof and the side door, trying not to soak the interior, grab wallet and then go. Five more steps. Shoes are utterly soaked. Good thing I didn’t wear those boots. I’m late, but I really had to shave. I hope she ordered a vodka.
Have you ever wondered about synchronicity & how it comes about? Is it spontaneous or is it all some big pre-determined story that we are just acting out? How do you plan to bump into someone & fall in love at first sight? Why was that man in the wrong place at the wrong time when he got hit by that car? Is it physics, karma, law of attraction, or just a bunch of people on a round object hoping that they know what they’re doing with life? Are we always one decision away from completely changing our lives?
I flip my mirror down & have a look at myself. Okay – I’m going in. Goodbye, sleek hair. Hello, Me. My heart skips a beat, I flip the mirror up & take my keys out of ignition. It’s now or never. The raindrops continue to race down my windscreen. I watch 2 of them, neck & neck. I’m secretly routing for the one on the left. He wins – Jackpot. It’s a sign – Go.
The click-clack of the shoes under the lime green umbrella stop dead as a white car door flings open right in front of them. Rude words almost erupt, until admiration takes over & time stands still. It’s her. Her, with her unique features and timeless style. Her, with her essence of beauty without trying too hard. Her humility of such a large degree, that makes me wonder who hurt her so deeply in the past?
Our eyes connect & suddenly everything stands still. The rain stopped before it even hit me. I’m under the comfort of a green umbrella, and it smells nice under here. It smells like a warmth that is new to me, but somehow reminds me of home at the same time. We giggle, we embrace, – “Hey, nice jacket” – and for one moment, we are just 2 humans standing in a downpour – completely absorbed. Completely isolated from everything else; we are free. We’re at the right place at exactly the right time. Was it pre-determined? Could my thoughts have manifested this?
Something beautiful happens when you let go & let the Universe take the wheel. When we take ourselves and our egos out of a situation, we suddenly leave so much more space for organic energy to harvest and multiply. The outcome is always a spectacular display of success, and I’ve never been sorry to listen to that voice that tells me to let go. Right Now – Let Go. Let Be.
We’re now walking toward the restaurant, that we’re both late for. And it doesn’t even matter. Right now, we’re right on time. We’re on our time. We look at each other as we sit down across the table, we order a vodka & just as I start to wonder if my hair is rebelling, our eyes meet & with complete ease – everything falls away. “You’re beautiful.” I’m told. And for the first time in a while, given the past 10 minutes of surpassing lessons and messages – I smile, because I believe it.
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