September 4, 2020

Awakening out of Chaos: How to deal with Emotional Rage.


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This time, we’re living in prompts, searching for answers to what life is, and who are we.

And, for the love of God, why did we choose to be alive now?

Answers to questions that once formed a sense of security in our lives have faded into obscurity, leaving in their place the necessity to search in a greater way for a connection to a higher level of understanding, living, and resonance of belonging.

This time of “going within” is different than before. We are “going in” to remember and recognize who we are and the power and creativity that lies within—for how else will we survive the chaos emerging around us?

Chaos in itself is not evil; it has always been a vehicle of change.

The universe was born out of chaos. But there was a plan, an intention driving it forward. And that intention was to bring forth life. To experience creativity, diversity, and an ever-increasing expansion. Chaos comes when the expansion has stopped and become stagnant. Chaos is the universe saying, “Enough. It’s time for change, growth, and a new way of thought.” Chaos is saying, “There is more to explore, live, and learn! There is a higher and better way to move forward.” Chaos always gets the attention of humankind.

But, chaos manifesting as emotional rage has lost its clarity, divine intent, and purpose to bring forth the creativity of life. Emotional rage will always override the rational and logical mind. In order for chaos to bring forth the birthing of new life, we must stop and breathe through the pain and discomfort. Just as a mother breathes through labor pains as new life is pushing its way into freedom.

We must remember and act as the divine beings we are and embrace the process of birthing a new world. It will come through working together—not through division.

Our current world is not happening to us but for us and through us. We’ve chosen this time to incarnate on this planet. It wasn’t demanded of us, arms were not twisted—believe it or not, you volunteered for this! Imprinted upon your soul are the answers, gleaned over lifetimes, to the questions that will arise once the emotional raging stops.

We are needed here, now.

It’s our time to bring forth the light and divine power that has formed over multiples incarnations. This is a time of great expansion for those who have waited for this divine change in energy. Let it expand you. Don’t try to separate the force field that is in and around you, putting your spiritual life to the left of you and your everyday life to the right. Merge with it. You are to be the expression of heaven and earth manifesting as one in the world. You, walking in the midst of chaos with divine insight, foresight, inspiration, and creativity—expanding into the fullness of who you are and letting the world not only see you but who they can be also.

Awakening out of chaos comes from insight, clarity, and divine intent heard and understood through a calm and trusting heart.

Stop, close your eyes, put your hand on your heart, breathe, and connect with the divinity within you. You chose to incarnate at this time. Embrace the power, insight, and clarity of mind and expand that from your heart into a world waiting desperately for answers and healing.

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Deborah Cozzetti  |  Contribution: 10,760

author: Deborah Cozzetti

Image: @vfiddlerart

Editor: Naomi Boshari

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