September 27, 2020

3 Doctor-Recommended Ways to Calm & Fortify our Overworked Nervous Systems.


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We are a stressed-out America on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

As a Doctor of Asian Medicine, I notice there is a huge void in the Western medical system’s ability to adequately conceptualize the bigger picture in terms of the average American’s nervous system health.

Put simply, our nervous systems are on the brink of a breakdown. We are subject to way too many stimuli and radiation—television (big screen), computer screens, cell phones, video games—and too much nervous system stress from multitasking, single parenting, lack of sleep, and poor diet. This is the American way. 

We wake up to our big-screen TV, watch the morning news with stressful content, and then move on to checking our cellphones. Then we move on to our laptops for a stressful day at work, only to eat foods that irritate our nervous system, and then head home for more televisions, laptops, and cellphones. This is all on top of the daily stress of life, parenting, multitasking, paying bills, moving, and not getting enough sleep.

What happens is our nervous system that is buzzing, starts to buzz louder and louder and louder. When it’s pushed too hard, for too long, it malfunctions. This is called an autoimmune condition.

America is on the brink of an autoimmune crisis.

What are some of the symptoms of a malfunctioning nervous system? There is a list of autoimmune conditions, but anxiety, eczema, migraines, digestive issues, ADD or ADHD, and depression are included.

The good news is there are many things you can do to counter the effects of stress and radiation on the nervous system:

1. Acupuncture

There is a deep calm that happens during an acupuncture treatment. I’ve realized that even though I am specifically targeting my treatments to specific imbalances, the overall treatment calms the nervous system. What meditation does to the mind, acupuncture does to the body, and the mind follows.

2. Meditation

The entire endpoint of meditation is to let go of your thoughts. Once you experience the mind letting go, with nothing to stimulate the nervous system, you will realize this is the healthiest thing you can do for yourself. With meditation, you calm your mind, and your body follows. Meditating while getting acupuncture is profoundly healing.

3. Diet

Believe it or not, I have noticed a definite trend where some people react negatively to gluten. I’m not sure why this is the case, or if it’s specific to the United States, but gluten seems to irritate the nervous system. I can attest that I will break out in eczema if I eat gluten; it’s as clear as day. The inflammation also causes my joints to become inflamed and chronic pain to emerge. When I take out the gluten, the inflammation goes away. The nervous system quiets, and the mind benefits from the lower agitation.

Other helpful things are walking barefoot outside, going for a walk in the forest alone, yoga, calming music, a massage, and more. 

Ultimately the goal is to counter the effects of a culture that demands our nerves to overtax themselves. Adding these few things into your daily regiment can add years and quality to your life.

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Dr. Wade McCulloch  |  Contribution: 1,115

author: Dr. Wade McCulloch

Image: lizarusalskaya/instagram

Editor: Kate Force

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