One of my favorite things to do is sit on my balcony and enjoy nature’s soundtrack and scenery. Last week I captured the intricate detail of a spider’s web on camera. The photo image used for this article is the image I captured. I came across that photo today in my photo gallery and selected it for deletion, then a message came to me. Well, more like questions. Why does a spider choose to spin its web in a specific location? How long does the web last? What is the sole purpose for the web? So then I went to Google and started my small research and applied it to life and goal-setting and obtainment.
Different spider families spin different types of webs but they all use a strategy for their spinning process. Trapdoor spiders spin simple lines of silk primarily used as detectors to protect, raise, and feed their babies. Sheet-web builders spin their webs for catching prey. These are the webs we probably walk into on a regular basis. Their webs are normally built under trees to catch insects on the ground or falling from the tree. Orb weavers create the intricate, geometric webs to catch prey. No matter the family from which the spider comes from, they all use a strategy to spin their web in order to trap what they need for themselves or young. They use light cues to compass the best location to spin their webs. They pay attention to which insects visit the area of their intended web. Although the webbing doesn’t last long, it lasts long enough to supply them with what they need for the present moment.
During this time of shifting it is important that we use the strategy of the spider, it matters not which spider or strategy you choose, and spin our webs for the life we want to attract now and in the future. Have you compassed out your goals and vision? Have you sat, watched, observed, researched the knowledge or best practices it will take for you to capture that dream or goal? Your web will last way longer than that of the spider, based on the strategy you choose.
Get to spinning!
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