September 3, 2020

These Mantras chanted by Tina Turner Broke my Heart Open & Shattered my Soul.

She was simply the best. 

“People think my life has been tough, but I think it has been a wonderful journey. The older you get, the more you realize it’s not what happens, but how you deal with it.”

“You take your problems to a god, but what you really need is for the god to take you to the inside of you.”

“My legacy is that I stayed on course…from the beginning to the end because I believed in something inside of me.”

~ Tina Turner

While laying down on my bed yesterday evening, I searched for a Yoga Nidra video on YouTube that could help me to fight my insomnia (thanks to the full moon, or my disturbed bowels, or both!).

There I found this marvelous mantra, empowered by the voice of Tina Turner. I’m already in love with her version of “Sarvesham Svastir Bhavatu.” But really—did you know she sang mantras?

This “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” version by her is a pure gem:

Enjoy these bonus Tina Turner mantra covers:

I was in a sensitive mood after a few nights deprived of sleep, an angry stomach turned upside-down due to bacteria in the water or an energetic cleanse (we should not forget it’s a full moon night), and feminine hormones activating.

This mantra had a powerful cleansing and purging effect on me; laying in Savasana in bed, I immediately started having visions of nature: mountains, forests, rivers, and deserts.

I felt its energy flowing through me; my own energy became vibrant, and in a few second I wasn’t aware of my body anymore. I was just flowing with the water, and the wind. I became sand and tree.

But then those wonderful landscapes faded away, and I envisioned faces, sadness, destruction, and blindness—the mystery of our world.

I was overwhelmed, and drowning in a pool of emotions I couldn’t control. Tears started rolling down my cheeks the moment the opening lyrics of the mantra began, like a wild stream. I started holding my chest because I felt like my heart was exploding into a thousand sharp pieces of glass—tearing my soul apart.

I don’t know when I started to calm down; however, I slowly came back to myself. But it took time, a lot of effort, and gentleness toward my poor body and soul, who have been carrying—for so long—the sadness of the world.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” means: devotion to the mystic law of the lotus sutra, or glory to the dharma of the lotus sutra.

They are religious words chanted within all forms of Nichiren Buddhism.

Mainstream believers claim that the purpose of chanting is to reduce sufferings by eradicating negative karma, along with reducing karmic punishments both from previous and present lifetimes.

What a beautiful experience, to be able to release our unconscious fears and emotions. Each and every mantra possesses different powers and meaning. Every one reacts differently.

But this mantra appeared for me as a blessing—to help me shed the things I’m not even aware of.

When I came back to myself, I wasn’t crying anymore, but had a smile on my face. I felt like I released from a heavy weight I’d forgotten I was carrying.

I could feel my energy flow more smoothly. I was at peace.

And I finally fell asleep.


“Start every day singing like the birds.” ~ Tina Turner


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