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September 22, 2020

Work From Home Blues: Here’s How to Get Through the Funk

In these uncertain and scary times, anyone who is fortunate enough to be able to work from home is very lucky. Remote work allows them to protect themselves and their communities while still committing to their career and earning an income. 

However, even those who have made the most out of their remote work opportunities still have to deal with the startup costs and inconveniences of transitioning to working remotely. Whether it be spotty wifi or screen fatigue, the annoyances of remote work get in the way of all of our best work. To try to facilitate positive adaptation to these changes in work, here are some ideas and tips on how to survive and thrive the work-from-home grind. 

 Tip 1: Master Zoom Manners

Actually, the top 10 most annoying virtual behaviors are in some way related to how people speak and act in video conference meetings.  No one wants to be on a team where members are annoyed and frustrated by each other’s video conference etiquette. So, it’s important to set some standards for yourself and your co-workers around the Dos and Don’ts of online meetings. 

Tip 2: Know When to Clock Out

When your home space becomes your workspace, it can be hard to turn your work mindset off and on. When you’re sitting on your laptop at night, it can be tempting to respond to work emails, and when you’re feeling overwhelmed after meetings, the comfort of your sofa can seem especially irresistible. 

Therefore, it’s so important to set boundaries and make sure that you’re fully resting and fully working during your normal hours. A set of tips from The Today Show includes keeping a morning routine, setting off a physical space in your home for work, and, if you have kids, over-communicating your needs for private, work time. 

Of course, we are losing out on some of the habits that distinguish our schedule from work and leisure, so if you usually use habits like gym time or an evening commute to shift your mindset, try to work in some outdoor exercise or yoga session to change your focus. 

Tip 3: Embrace New Tools 

We’re all learning together about how to succeed in working from home. For some, the learning curve around collaborative technology is bigger than others. But, instead of being frightened by these new tools, embrace the opportunity to learn something new. 

In a recent Gadget Lab podcast, Wired reporters shared some of the ways that Big Tech was leaning into new tools to maximize remote work capabilities. The team listed some of the apps, sharing platforms, and group messaging websites that make remote work a little easier. A great idea for those looking to work from home is to stay up to date on new tools and assess whether there is a place in their home office for the new tool. 

Curious about how to learn? Websites like LinkedIn Learning have lots of tutorials so that you can teach yourself to use and maximize a wide variety of online tools. 

Overall, work from home isn’t easy, but by behaving appropriately, setting boundaries, and embracing new capabilities, you can make your remote work great.

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