Why are we so quick to blame and put everything on the devil, like we are not human beings? Why are we so afraid to introspect with ourselves?
First let’s quickly ask ourself: have we ever made a mistake?
Yes, we all had at some point in our life and some of us even continue to do so.
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It could be a small mistake like saying something we should not say, or acting in a way we shouldn’t. Sometimes it could be a grave error like sabotaging our own happiness or being in a toxic relationship.
At the end of the day we all make mistakes, we make mistakes so often that we have even written cliches about it, “you’re only human”, “to err is human” so on and so forth.
But the real question is do we ever take culpability of the mistakes we make? Do we ever take a moment to introspect and improve ourselves? Do we ever take full authority of our actions? Or do we dread doing it and simply blame it on the devil?
Rather than being accountable for our own mistakes, why do we end up always choosing the blame game? Why do we blame the devil for our mistakes? And who is this devil?
Simply put, it’s much easier to place the blame on someone else than to take full responsibility for your actions. It’s also easier to blame someone for our actions rather than take a deeper look at why we made the mistake that we did and face possible consequences — whether it was something you did at work or something that happened during a tiff between you and your partner. Blame shifting takes less effort, and it’s easier on us emotionally — at least in the moment.
“Blame is like another defense mechanism”. “We could call it denial or projection, because it helps us preserve our sense of self-esteem or pride by avoiding awareness of our own issues.”
Why do we use defense mechanisms? To protect ourselves — whether it’s from criticism, negative consequences, attention, whatever it is you’re afraid of. You might even be in denial, that you are infact the one who’s making mistakes.
Further more it is also plausible that you might have some negative deep rooted experiences from your previous life that make you predisposed to act this way.
I don’t think any two people might have an indistinguishable answer for this question. We all have a different term for who’s the devil in our life that we keep blaming?
For some it might be their health, for some it might be the circumstances, for some it might be the fate, for some it might be the luck, for some it might be destiny, for some it might be their gloomy and depressing past. In a lighter vein, anything that protects ourselves from all the denunciation of not being able to do things properly and work efficiently, becomes the devil or the satan in our life. We often shift the blame on the devil in our life to live in a bubble that it is never our fault, but always somebody’s else.
I wouldn’t try to give you a solid opinion about this from my point of view or I wouldn’t try to make this sound like a straight and solid fact, but would like you to realize that the devil we keep referring to might not be real, also the devil might be perilous for us- mentally, emotionally and physically.
Do you ever give someone else the credit for your own hardwork?
If no, then why are you giving the blame to someone else for your own fault?
How would you feel if any medical expert blames you for his/her own failed surgeries?
Obviously mad right? Because they need to be fully cautious and responsible regarding their work, even if something goes wrong. Then why aren’t you being cautious?
How would you feel when your friend being in a toxic relationship keeps on blaming herself rather than doing something? You would definitely tell her to take actions regarding rather than blaming the circumstances and just sabotaging her own happiness.
Then why are you doing the same thing? Why aren’t you taking actions for your own doings?
Why are you condemning the devil in your life? Why not your own actions?
Yes life might be unfortunate sometimes, somethings aren’t in our control and they would never be. Apart from this, why are we denying to take care and responsibility of all those other things which might actually be under our control.
“You do not blame your shadow for the shape of your body: Just the same: Do not blame others for the shape of your experience.”
Blame creates biases. We accuse others to defend our position. Biases get in your way affecting your perception of what really occurred. Taking sides blind you.
Blaming is avoidance. It’s easier to think that the other part is wrong or bad, that to look inside ourselves. Rather than sharing responsibility, you blame one person. And avoid all accountability on your end. Accusing others blinds you.
John Burroughs said: “You can get discouraged many times, but you are not a failure until you begin to blame somebody else and stop trying.”
The more you play the blame game, the more you lose
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