October 27, 2020

The One thing we can & should Cleanse on this Halloween Full Moon. {October 31}

*Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit.


Full moon energy is powerful energy.

You may have noticed (if things have gotten crazy around the full moon, and you’ve found yourself checking the calendar).

When the energy is harnessed in the right light, it is the perfect time to assess what is and isn’t working for us. Our intentions glow while our shadows reek of heavy darkness. What a perfect time it is to notice what isn’t serving us well and releasing our attachment.

In light of the upcoming full moon, let’s clean up our social media influences, shall we?

Here are a few ideas to cleanse our social media feeds:

>> If you’re the kind of person that feels like a jerk for unfriending someone, you can always hit unfollow. I see that this is kind of like stuffing clutter into closets and saving it for a rainy day, but sometimes current events leave you feeling drained by someone’s postings and they actually have nothing to do with the people themselves.

Maybe you just need some space, and maybe some space will make you realize you don’t even miss them. But for now, if you feel the need to limit exposures, and don’t want to go to the extreme of deletion, unfollowing provides a happy medium.

>> Go through your list of groups that you’ve added yourself to. For me, I have entered several support groups that have been triggering me lately. No Bueno! And other groups, I’ve added myself to during a time that I no longer resonate with. I can let that phase go—now.

>> Has someone been leaving such nasty comments for you, and you’re wondering why you’re even friends? Byeee.

>> That person you met one drunken night and thought you’d be best friends with but never actually spoke to again and you really actually have nothing in common with them? Yeah, they can go.

Is there something I’ve forgotten that rubs you the wrong way? Go ahead, clean it up.

Cleanse that feed!

Make space for your desired path, your new alignment, your dream vibration, you now. Wipe off the dust of your yesterdays and take out the trash.

This full moon is prime time for a powerful release, so let’s not forget something as easily overlooked—yet, regularly exposed—as our social media timeline.

Every bit feeds the shift. Imagine the weight that will be lifted when you’ve let go of the energies that don’t feed you high vibrations.

I bet a few things came to mind while you were reading this. Imagine yourself cutting the cord that ties you to that.

Don’t you feel lighter already?


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