October 22, 2020

She Finally Grew Wild & Bright. {Poem}


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Along the river in the morning light,

a commonplace girl was masking her blight.

In life’s conquest to escape the mundane,
she puzzled herself with thoughts so arcane.

My head’s just a vessel—time to disband.
It traps my thoughts, nowhere to expand.

When she bravely removed her camouflage,
branches grew out from her décolletage.

Then limb after limb popped out of her brain—
amazing new growth and freedom attained.
Anger and angst snapped like a fragile branch.
Energy sprouted like an avalanche.

It was time to drop life’s low hanging fruit.
With outer bark shed, she could finally take root.
Damaged roots remain on that riverbed,
but she’s not ashamed of the tree on her head.


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Kate Williams  |  Contribution: 3,850

author: Kate Williams

Image: maniacodamore/Instagram

Editor: Elizabeth Brumfield

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