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November 5, 2020

Hurt People Hurt People

We all do stupid things, sometimes even big stupid things. And if you think about it, it’s always because we’re hurting or afraid or angry, experiencing big intense emotions. We yell at someone, we punch a wall, we lie to someone or we steal something. And sometimes these stupid things hurt other people. If we can come to an agreement that this is true, than we must try to see ourselves, to some degree, in all other humans.

People are mean, selfish uncaring, stupid but so are we sometimes. And we are ALL made from God, the stars or whatever you choose to believe. And we are all on the same spectrum of behavior from wonderful to terrible, which is called being human. Some are just way over at one end of the spectrum. What triggers us in other people’s behavior is a reflection of the same thing within us.  Something we don’t want to see, we disapprove of, we are ashamed of. We certainly don’t want those things up in our face!

When we grow up with othering, scarcity and separation it creates competition, good and bad, right and wrong. So as Brené Brown says, we always have to hustle for our worthiness. This is the toxicity that causes shame and guilt. Shame is the most difficult feeling to face, so we throw it out onto other people. That’s where the triggering happens and results in anger and hatred for others.

Thomas Hubl talks about the intergenerational collective trauma that we all experience just from being born into a toxic world. Emotional trauma causes a child to feel unloved, unseen, dehumanized. This is passed down through generations and we create societies and governments based on OUR trauma. Not THEIRS.

If we truly want peace and unity in this world, we have to find a way to accept all people into our heart with understanding and forgiveness. Everyone once was an innocent child who was injured by our toxic world. Hurt people hurt people. It’s time to stop the cycle. 

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