November 21, 2020

Love conquers Fear: Letting Go of my need for Security. {Poem}

My husband has a small business that has been successful.

It has allowed us to live a financially privileged life, but the stress from it—along with bad genes—has caused him serious health problems over the last eight years. He’s had three heart attacks, the first of which occurred when he was just 40 years old.

I’ve always been terrified of losing our financial security, and he’s known this all along. He has felt constant pressure to keep working even though he’s suffered from burnout and, at times, has wanted to quit.

After an epiphany from the bees, I realized that my fear of our financial demise was not worth his life. I love him more than the fear. I gave him permission to choose to not work so hard if that was what he needed for his well-being. I wanted him to know that I support him no matter what happens.

It was an emotional conversation. He told me that he feels like he truly has a choice now, that he has permission to fail. It released his worry over being responsible for my sense of security and brought us closer.


I have a story
about how love conquers fear.
The bees taught me
this lesson I hold dear.

An epiphany, I know
that will get me through life,
and I feel called to share
to eliminate your strife.

Once upon a time,
I was so afraid of their sting,
that I couldn’t see the beauty
a bee’s pollination would bring.

But once I did notice
I was not so scared.
Instead, I felt love
and cared how they fared.

This triggered a thought
of how I feel about you.
I do not want to be the cause
of a life making you blue.

You have worked so hard,
the stress affecting your health,
sacrificing your well-being
for the sake of our wealth.

For a long long time
I have feared living a life without,
but I am giving my permission
for you to bow out.

The lack of security,
I have awakened to the truth.
It is a burden you needn’t carry,
the fear stemmed from my youth.

I do not need all the money
to buy whatever the world can deliver.
As long as we’re together I am happy,
to live in a van down by the river.

My love for you is stronger
than my fear of our fiscal demise.
I am grateful to the bees
for making me so wise.

Love conquers fear
are the words I’ll never forget,
whenever I am scared
of living my life with regret.


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Crystal Tomlinson  |  Contribution: 37,295

author: Crystal Tomlinson

Image: Toa Heftiba/Unsplash

Editor: Naomi Boshari

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