Thinking about what we were unknowingly sliding into last New Year’s Eve—a worldwide coronavirus crisis—it’s no wonder that a lot of people aren’t excited about this turn of the year.
But, guess what? We should be.
We are lucky that we are still here. Restrictions or not, quarantine or not, these are all just small things outside of our control. We still have the power to focus on our circle of control. We still have a lot of freedom, if we choose to see it.
So, how about we use the end of this special year to turn inward, enjoy some calmness in the coziness of our homes, and just treat ourselves in the best way possible?
Here are 12 COVID-friendly ways to slide differently but awesomely into 2021:
1. Climax into the New Year.
I don’t know why I haven’t thought about this before. Okay, I know why. Because we have always been at a NYE party at some place. And sex is something that we can have all year long. But still, staying at home, hearing the fireworks outside, wouldn’t it be nice to orgasm into the new year? With your partner or alone; it really doesn’t matter. I think there’s nothing more to say but: 2021—I’m coming!
Best way to to keep your core pelvic and org@sm muscles strong and resilient? Here’s the coveted apparatus that makes this possible >>
2. Bathe into the New Year.
I mean, I actually wanted to go to a spa, get a relaxing massage and all of that, but then, COVID-19 and my flatmate’s positive coronavirus test came in the way—so, happy quarantine. I have to postpone my plans a little. But, it’s not bad at all. I figured that I still have a bunch of great options. So yeah, spending the turn of the year in your bathtub filled with hot water, a lovely smelling, lush bath bomb, surrounded by candles sounds pretty promising. Enjoy the quietness or listen to music or watch Netflix. The choice is yours; do whatever you feel like.
3. Yoga into the New Year.
I bet there are a lot of yogis like me out there for whom yoga is a daily routine. So, how about a cleansing yoga flow for New Year’s Eve, where you can leave all the things that happened in 2020 behind and make peace with whatever is right now. Let everything go. Forgive, make space for something new.
Wherever you are, even if it’s in quarantine alone at home, it’s exactly where you’re meant to be. And if you haven’t done yoga before but always wanted to start, why not now? I promise that you will wake up refreshingly different the next morning, which you can actually start with yoga, too. Perhaps a sequence for new beginnings?
4. Meditate into the New Year.
If you feel like turning inward even more, meditation is a good choice. Meditation can actually bring you into a really comfortable flow state. And, hand on heart, how often do we allow ourselves to do absolutely nothing? This New Year’s Eve could be the start for you to discover the depth of your soul, something truly special.
5. Read into the New Year.
It is always a good idea to do what you love; why not read into 2021? Start that new book you are already excited about; you’ll be so into it that you probably might miss the moment when the clock turns 12:00 a.m., and this is not even a bad thing.
Being fully in the present is something that a lot of people forgot how to do. This is where the real magic happens. You forget that time exists and are truly content with who you are, where you are, and what you do. How about you make your turn of the year feel a little bit like eternity?
6. Zoom into the New Year.
Can’t spend the night with family and friends because every one of your loved ones is at some other place on this planet and far away from you? Not to worry! Make an online event. There are plenty of fun games you can play on a video call. So cool that we are able to do this.
7. Sing into the New Year.
Singing along to my favourite songs always makes me happy, and it’s so much fun! It doesn’t even require other people or a party. All you need is a great playlist and Google for the lyrics. Go ahead, sing your heart out. Oh, and of course feel free to dance along. Nobody’s watching.
8. Laugh into the New Year.
If there is a new comedy show of your favourite comedian that you’re dying to watch but didn’t have the time yet, save it for a couple of more days. Get yourself some delicious snacks, something to drink, snuggle up in a blanket, turn off your phone so you won’t get interrupted (the phone network will be overloaded anyway, so calls can wait), and maybe half an hour before midnight, just lean back and enjoy the show. You can definitely say that you started the new year laughing out loud from the bottom of your heart. If that isn’t a good start, then I don’t know what is.
9. Sweet (or salty) treat.
Is there a recipe that you’ve always wanted to try, but haven’t yet? Maybe, this NYE was supposed to be the special occasion where you were going to bake/cook this treat with your loved ones. Show yourself some love then, and treat yourself with something special. If the clock turns midnight and the oven timer dings, you will be happy about the fudge double-chocolate brownies.
10. Walk into the New Year.
If someone who’s in quarantine over Christmas is lucky enough to come out on New Year’s Eve at midnight: go for a walk around town. You just got your freedom back—yay! I bet this walk will feel so good, even though it’s something so simple, and something that we take for granted until we can’t do it anymore. Enjoy the fresh air, and buy the homeless person along the way something hot to drink or eat.
11. Journal into the New Year.
Reflect! This is so important, and it is important the whole year long. It’s something we should probably be doing on a regular basis, like monthly. Write your soul out. I am always astounded by my thoughts when I write them down. A lot more comes to the surface when you explore your feelings in writing. Reflect what went well this year, what didn’t, what you learned, what you want to do better next year, how much closer you came to your goals and dreams. Did they change?
Write down what you want to let go, who you want to forgive. I promise that you will feel a huge freedom from within. Write down what you are grateful for (and this is something you should do every night from now on), what made you happy this year. Make a plan, a list, whatever you like—get creative.
12. Sleep into the New Year.
Last but not least, I think this is pretty underrated. People always say it’s a boring thing to do. Is it though? It’s for sure nice to spend New Year’s Eve with loved ones, friends, and family, but it can also be incredibly nice to spend it alone.
This is what I discovered last year. While I was in Bali I took a midnight swim and then went straight to bed. I was exhausted as well because of the high humidity. But, it was really great. Having a good night’s sleep always is because then you can enjoy the next day’s adventure even more.
This year is different for all of us. Focus on the good things, and make the most out of it. It’s all about the small things anyway. Pick one or two of these ideas or do them all. Most importantly, have a healthy start into the new year!
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