Let’s start 2021 by setting intentions and learning how to manifest them—without self-sabotaging.
Intentions can be small, daily goals like “be open to receive” or “do things with a loving heart.”
Intentions can also be worked into our long-term goals. For this, it helps to know our driving “why” factor. Your why factor is your life’s essential needs, like love, interdependence, safety, trust, peace, and harmony.
Knowing our life essentials is important to create the most effective, powerful intentions that will benefit us on a bigger scale.
Example: I want to set my intention on getting a new car because my car is old and breaks down a lot. Now, I may think it’s just because I want a new car—which might be true—but if we look at the bigger picture, getting a new car will meet some of my needs: my need for security, safety, peace of mind, and freedom. Buying a new car is a tool to reach some of my core life essentials.
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Once you have identified that your core needs or life essentials are met, you’ll have a greater sense of gratitude, calm, and joy. This also helps to avoid destination addiction, which is always looking for the next best thing—the next promotion, the next car, the next relationship. It becomes difficult for us to appreciate what we already have when we are looking for what more we could have (that doesn’t meet an essential need).
Believe it:
To reach our goals, we need first to believe three things:
I call this the “P.A.D.” formula—possibility, ability, and deserving:
1. Believe it is possible in general to achieve the goal.
2. Believe you, personally, are able to achieve it.
3. Believe you deserve to achieve it.
If there is any part in your unconscious mind that bumps up against any of these three beliefs, you will have difficulty achieving it.
Envision yourself already having accomplished your goal. What does it feel like? What does it sound like? What does it taste like? What does it smell like? Use all of your senses to make it as alive and real as possible.
First, be in complete gratitude for what you have already received. How is this impacting other areas of your life?
Here are some ways we can set intentions for further manifesting:
>> Begin with a grateful heart.
>> Journal your intention. Claim it. Feel as you already have it.
>> Perform rituals (light candles, keep a gratitude jar, or do something that will fall in alignment with what you want).
>> Feel it and release it. Try not to obsess over it. It is not your business on the how it will manifest. The universe will conspire to bring it into existence for you.
>> Action: we can’t just believe things into existence. Our actions must align with our intentions.
No more self-sabotage:
Something to remember is to be mindful of the words we use when setting intentions and manifesting. Remember to focus your energy on what you want instead of what you don’t want. The energy attached to the words you choose is so strong.
As well, stay on the mental, energetic path to your desired outcome without wavering. If you drive somewhere and change directions every few blocks, you may or may not eventually get to your destination. However, staying on the projected course without constantly veering off to different paths will, with certainty, get you to your destination.
It is important that our mental action, physical action, energetic action, and emotional action is controlled and properly guided. If we do not consciously do this, we will become self-destructive, unconsciously bringing in things and people in our life we do not want. The moment we think of something we want, but follow that thought up with “But it’s not possible…” we are, in a way, saying to the universe (and ourselves) that we don’t really want it—this creates conflict, making it harder to achieve our goal.
We often do this because past experiences have conditioned us to believe that we can only achieve something “if.” Allow yourself to break away from these limiting beliefs.
Normalize a self-care routine to stay grounded, with a clear mind, grateful heart, and awakened spirit. Practicing regular self-care is self-love. When we work from a pure heart and pure love energy, good things will happen.
Live every moment with conscious intention, so you are in alignment with what you are asking for.
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