A respite from the winter
A day of blues and yellows
Warm breezes and a long walk
With a trusted friend and her canine companion
Words collected since the last walk and shared along this path today
Humans spill from their homes and their cars
To soak up the sun
Touching feet to the earth
T-shirts and shorts
Running shoes and bikes
Seeking to store up this Divine energy
Enough to last the few more short weeks
Till rebirth, renewal, reawakening
Mother knows – Father responds – Son shines – Daughter receives
Winter still reigns
It is not quite yet time to arise from the slumber
But a gentle movement has begun
Of fingers and toes
A deepening of breath
It is not quite yet time
Still waiting, waiting still
Listening for the final lesson from the sleep
Patience, She whispers
Morning will come
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A sign of things to come

Photo by Mina-Marie Michell on Pexels.

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