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February 14, 2021



“Neo-Classic Burlesque? Retro-Vaudeville? They should bill themselves as The New Originals. Their lyrics are gospel to a cult demographic.” M. C. The Chestnut Mare

“I’ve always been attracted to weird. Goliath and Trench oblige. They probe the anatomy of darkness and come away with sticky fingers. I can relate to that.” Caspar Melchior, Detective Quarterly


“…unconventional, artistic, and hedonistic, as if pandering to a beatnik’s vision of bohemian cool.” Bertram Roundhouse Brown, Estimates and Approximations

“The mythology surrounding their fabled collaboration appeared so ponderous, I didn’t think I could possibly get a handle on it. But when I braced myself and took hold, it threw my balance and proved too ethereal to hold onto. It stabbed me right through the heart.” Gary Dubrovich, En Garde

“The composers interweave prurient threads through mundane cloth so cleverly, they’ll have you looking for four-letter-words in your alphabet soup.” Muriel Farrier, The Methodist Observer

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