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February 14, 2021


[From: BREAKING THE SILENCE, by Goliath & Trench]

“It was hard and wild, a study in extremes not for the faint of heart; like making passionate love on a bed of rusty nails.” Bruce Trender, The Daily Shoe


“…an eclectic selection of genuine love songs that abide like genuine love –  nothing to prove and nothing to fake.” Haggard Winters, The Nashville Courier


“These hombres are bullet proof, water proof, fire proof, rust proof, shatter proof, critter proof, fool proof, tamper proof, child proof, smudge proof, shock proof, living proof, hundred proof, …” Buck Filmore, Austin City Lights

“The authors evoke the sense of reckless abandon one might feel while watching the Three Stooges at three AM on a third bottle of wine and not worrying about getting up for work because it’s a three-day weekend.” Jean Marie Eck, Numerology Today


“A vision of the way things would be if dark poets ruled the world.” Brick Thornton, The Lofty Perch

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