February 11, 2021

Your Interdependence Bill of Rights: 10 Rules for Radical Transformation.

I am a podcast fanatic.

I listen to several hours of content a day. Consuming information is my favorite thing to do.

In 2018, I found a podcast that changed my life, literally. “Mormon and the Meth Head” was a podcast about two people, Jessa Reed and Aaron Woodall, from different backgrounds, learning to disentangle themselves from the people they were programmed to be, and instead, stepping into their power as individuals; falling in love in the process, and learning about codependence, relationships, attachment styles, addiction, religion, spirituality, and too many other topics to list.

This podcast was akin to therapy for me. The growth that happens in the presence of growth is magical. When we watch other people (people we admire and relate to) connect with the deeper parts of themselves, it unlocks us. We see things in a new way.

The Mormon and the Meth Head

In 2018, I was in a different place, living a different life. I was not out of the “woo closet” as Jessa calls it. I was in the midst of figuring out who the heck I was, and as the podcast came to a close and my heart was heavy, I felt as though I was losing two friends I had never met. I learned a lot about myself in being the observer of these two in their own process of self-discovery on blast for the world to hear, and I will forever be grateful to Jessa and Aaron for cracking me open in a way I hadn’t realized I needed.

Watching them hold each other in so much love and compassion, as they learned to objectively look at the skeletons in their closet without judgments or comparison, was transformative. I hope they both know what an impact they had, and still have.

Act Two: Soberish

As one door closes another opens. After MATMH ended, Jessa started her own podcast “Soberish.” Needless to say, I was (really, really) excited to see what was in store. Well, let me just say, the podcast took a turn.

“Soberish” evolved into what and is now a spin-off: “Awakening Orienting Department/AOD,” a podcast for those willing who see past the veil of what we know to be true and open themselves up to the expansive reality we actually live in. A reality that is malleable and ever-changing; a reality in the age of Aquarius. AOD has now been streaming for over a year, the content reflecting that of our collective death, rebirth, and inevitable rectification of the narrative that we are powerless beings living in a world set in stone.

Before launching AOD, Jessa created the “Interdependence Bill of Rights.” This episode was a pivotal moment for me. Everything in my life changed after being reminded that I am a free and autonomous being creating my own reality—all the time. This empowered me to take a good look at my life and make the necessary changes. I was taught that my external reality matched my internal experience, and my internal experience was not pleasant.

In implementing what I learned, I experienced radical transformation now reflected in my articles about traveling and shadow work.

My story ends here.

I’d now like to share the Interdependence Bill of Rights with you in the hopes that you too remember that you are a powerful being capable of living any life you can imagine.

*Disclaimer: I have done my best to quote Jessa directly however this is all from my perspective. She was kind enough to support me in writing this to share, and it is my intention to keep it as close to the original spoken content as I possibly can. At the end of the day, remember, it’s all a ride, you’ll never get it done and you can’t take anything with you so might as well have fun along the way in this game we call life.

The Interdependence Bill of Rights

The Interdependence Bill of Rights, “The mind your F-ing business podcast”

“This podcast premise today is based on the idea that we are entering into a new way of living with a new consciousness, a higher dimension of living…

I am Jessa, I’m your host. I’m here today with a download about your interdependence bill of rights. Up until this point, we have been working from a co-dependent model. Codependency says everything outside of you is what is real, that everyone outside of you is responsible for your feelings and the experience you are having outside of you is your truth. Not a great way to exist.

If you want to move into a reality where you are creating every aspect of your existence you are going to have to un-enmesh from the perception of others. Stop looking to others to make you happy, and find these things inside yourself. You’re going to have to love yourself. Loving yourself often means saying no to other people and letting them have any perception of you they are going to have…”

~ Jessa Reed 

The Interdependence Bill of Rights:

1. I have the right to be loved. I do not have the right to force someone to love me.

2. I do not owe anyone anything. All of my energy exchanges are voluntary. No one owes me anything.

3. My feelings are my full responsibility. My life and experience is my full responsibility.

4. I have the right to happiness. I do not have the right to make my happiness someone else’s responsibility. (I have everything in me to find happiness.)

5. I have the right to express my feelings. I do not have the right to dictate others’ reactions to my feelings.

6. I have the right to my own opinion. I do not have the right to dole out my opinion unsolicited, crossing into someone else’s space.

7. I have the right to a life free of guilt and obligation. (Read that again.)

8. I do not have the right to use guilt and obligation to impose my will on others.

9. I have the right to define and set boundaries in my relationships specifying what I am willing and not willing to participate in. (Boundaries are defining what I will or will not do and why—not telling someone else how to behave.)

10. I do not have to work tirelessly to maintain all of my connections to take responsibility to maintain them.

I hope in reading this, you are flooded with relief in releasing what is not yours to hold, empowered by the realization of your own autonomy, and inspired to implement these teachings in your daily life. Please share this with those you love so we can all remember that we are free.

Many blessings. And a huge thank you to Jessa for being one of the architects of the new world.


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