March 12, 2021

No Filter: Here’s Why “Picture Perfect” can Kiss my Social Activist Ass.

I was travelling with a stunning female friend who could not leave the house without makeup on.

She constantly had the mirror down on the car sun-shader thing (I’m gonna call it a flap for feminism purposes, the sun flap for your eyes).

Imprisoned by her beauty and constricted by what others may or may not think of herwhenever she posted on social, she would ask, “What filter shall I use?”

It really got me thinking.

She mentioned so many times how refreshing it was that I would post photos of myself without makeup, pulling ugly faces, and giving zero f*cks. (I’m actually quite arrogant about how ugly I can be—it’s a thing.)

I responded with, “Well, babes, you don’t need to give so much of a sh*t about what you look like, ya know. No one else cares.”

She went on: “It’s really refreshing to hang out with you ’cause you don’t care what you look like. Sorry, no offence!”

I was delighted! No, I really don’t care. Well, I care in the sense that I like to look fun and like a rainbow. But preened, primped, and proper? No way!

“Picture perfect” can kiss my rainbow ass. And my wrinkles.

This gorgeous woman was riddled with anxiety over her looks when she should feel incredible about how big her vibe is, how intelligent she is, and what a wonderful human she is. Oh, and she’s balls-deep funny. That’s way more important than looks. Obvs!

How the bloody hell do people care more about how they look than the social justice issues sweeping the planet?

This isn’t a criticism of her or anyone else who is in a similar societal trap.

We have been programmed. All of us.

Human Rights, Animal Rights, Equity, the Fate of the Planet & Existence Itself vs. Beauty Filters?

Come on, (wo)man!

How is that at the forefront of our awareness rather than, say, the 99 billion dollar industry that is sexual exploitation and trafficking of women and children?

Perhaps it’s time to shift our awareness from the filters we use on our faces (which exist on our heads, which in turn, remain firmly up our asses, mine included) and toward acknowledging worldwide issues, such as The Fate Of The Entire Planet?

Fear not! I have the answer.

Okay, that’s a giant fib! I have an answer.

There is an online festival, supported by Elephant Journal, which is raising funds for Yoga Stops Traffick. #StopHumanTrafficking

We can take baby steps toward expansive consciousness by attending this rad online wellness event. Phew!

Women, I love all of you. Let’s support one another to give less f*cks about how we appear to others.

Let’s love ourselves from within, and without judgement.

Connect with the magic that you are and shine your awesomeness at this online event.

Here is a sneak peek at an interview I had with Elephant Journal Founder, Waylon Lewis. In it, we talk about all things fun and ethical. Because ethical is fun, yo!

Catch the full interview at the online festival, right here. And, ya know, help save the world in the process.

~ Rach, Om & Bass

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