March 10, 2021

Sex, Sex, Sex…oh, & some Yoga, with Waylon.

My yoga helps end sex trafficking. How about yours?

Modern-day slavery ain’t nice to hear or read about, but guess what? It’s happening right under our noses.

Well, maybe that’s an exaggeration. It’s not right under our noses, but you get my drift.

If only it were happening right under our noses! The COVID sneezes would have flushed that shiz-niz right out of society and we would all be living happily and abundantly together! Yaaaaay.

Okay, fairytale fantasy of sneezing away humanity’s issues over. Sniff.

Here are some not-so-fairytale facts about sex trafficking:

>> Approximately one million children are victims of sex trafficking.
>> 99 billion dollars is made annually from commercial sexual exploitation.
>> 66 billion dollars a year is made from the yoga industry.

Yoga is not as profitable as child trafficking? What the actual f*ck?!

“So, where does yoga come into all this?”

So glad you asked.

Yoga Stops Traffick is a wonderful organization that creates and hosts yoga events that fund Odanadi House and their essential work, rescuing and rehabilitating women and children from sex slavery, trafficking, and child marriages. This means you can get involved in online yoga events which fundraise for this magnanimous cause.

“Wow. So I can take an online yoga class and I’ll be helping rescue women and children from sex slavery?”

That’s correct my friends.

It’s legit. And it’s lit.

“And what does this have to do with Elephant Journal?”

Again, glad you asked.

I subjected Waylon (the delightful founder of Elephant Journal) to a light-hearted and fun interview with my silly-rainbow-self. (Hello, hi, yes, that’s me, the foul-mouthed, blue-haired Brit on the right.) Catch the interview in full, here.

Here’s a sneak-peak:

“But how and where, oh blue-haired Brit? Pray, speaketh the path to such social victory!”

It’s simpler than a bad rendition of Shakespeare: get your Ass-anas to the Om & Bass online Fun-raiser for Yoga Stops Traffick.

It’s a worldwide, online, ethical AF festival featuring 108 workshops, classes, and interviews for all your wellness needs. It’s also where you can watch the full interview with Waylon, in which we discuss BLM and the pandemic, among other things.

Grab your tickets right here >>

Share the love, walk the walk, and shine your light, b*tches!

One Love,
Rach, Om & Bass

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