March 13, 2021

I love Winter. I love four seasons. I celebrate snow!

When it snows.

So many of my friends and acquaintances call a warm day in Wintertime “nice” and a cold snowy day “bad weather.” In this age of speediness, of convenience, of climate crisis…it’s high time we change that.

For all those “freaking out” about the latest snowfall, a reminder—if we have a home with a roof and heat and a stocked fridge and a cozy bed and warm boots, this is just entertainment for us. We need snow. We need water. Remember the forest fires and toxic smoke for 3 months this year that are becoming more and more common!?” 

I love Winter.

I love four seasons.

I celebrate snow.

But for those of you who hate it, here’s a few tips on how to turn it from a bummer into a joy.

Joy isn’t selfish, just—selfish joy has a bitter aftertaste. So yes: when it’s snowy, get warm, get cuddly, watch a movie, make popcorn, sled, make a snowman—celebrate.

But don’t stop there.

Start here.

When it snows, don’t just complain on social.

Don’t just think about how you want to run around in flip flops and a swimsuit.

Think about the houseless. When it snows, think of how to help. Organize a porch drop—rallying your fellow community to drop off coats and socks and glovers and hats and blankets and…as I did on my front porch (seeing it full, layers deep, was a sight) a few years back, a few different years. Or better, be consistent like my friend Verity, and many others, who donate hand warmers and food and socks and blankets directly, and advocate directly for more shelter beds, for shelters to stay open longer and for more of our fellow citizens.

Think of the elderly, or the disabled. Or an overwhelmed family. When it snows, shovel their walk for them. Free exercise!

Think about climate change. Climate change affects the most vulnerable first and hardest. We need this water to refill our rivers, help our farms, and counterbalance the awful out of control fires and toxic smoke (managed fires are a good thing, however).

Think about others.

Remember winter is a thing, and gosh bless it, I love it. Be like those in your life who serve the houseless, or the homeless (please explain to me the difference if you’d be so kind, and why). ⁠

Climate change will hurt our most vulnerable and poorest and, too often, women and children and those of color first and hardest, just like Covid did. That’s how capitalism works. ⁠

Our President has moved to counterbalance that, and hard, with a bill that will cut child poverty in half. Meanwhile, the other party is moving to suppress the right to vote, again, and more. The choice is clear. Don’t sit back, all the time. Stand up.⁠

Too many of us in Colorado—in the winter: “ugh I hate the snow I hate the cold” 


We need a cultural shift. If we do it, we can save our planet.⁠

We can embrace wintertime. Coziness, inside. Instead of barely dressing in our homes, we can put a sweater on, blankets, tea, a hot water bottle…and turn the usually toxic indoor heat down a bit. ⁠

We can layer up when we go outside, instead of barely dressing as we pop from the cocoon of our hot home into our car then into a restaurant, complaining about the burst of cold in the dozen feet between. ⁠

We can embrace the cold, and it stops being so…hard.



We had another winter wildfire just above where I live, yesterday. Thanks to our brave firefighters, we’re safe. ⁠

There’s fear, evacuations, stress. So let’s not go back to relax mode, which means destroying our planet with our Amazon/plastic gift wrapping/travel/consumption. Let’s wake up. ⁠
The wintertime fire yesterday is climate change—it’s not natural. ⁠
We created much of the problem, so in a good way we’re not helpless—we’re all casually causing climate change, and we can all together change, both on a macro level and in our daily lives.⁠
We never used to have winter wildfires like this, here. We’re so dry now, and hotter. ⁠

We can’t keep complaining about cold weather, snow, then posting about fires as if they’re a surprise. ⁠

We need to vote, bike everywhere/more, public transport, avoid plastic which is climate crisis…you know all the things, and many of you already do far more than most! ~ Waylon⁠

Get my daily editor’s letter: elephantjournal.com/best. Reading our newsletter helps. Instagram, Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok, even Medium–they’re all Big Tech controlled, focused on quarterly profits over being of benefit.⁠

Final day to join our Elephant Academy, this Spring: elephantjournal.com/academy (if you want to help yourself, and help Elephant, this is the best thing we do).

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