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April 23, 2021

Trusting and Honoring Your Feminine Leader Within

Photo by Yan Krukov on Pexels.

Where are you going?

Do you see the path? Sometimes we can feel confused, undecided or frustrated when we can’t see a clear way forward. I find this happens to me when I rely too much on my brainpower and don’t pay attention to my body wisdom. When I tune into my body it usually tells me to slow down, breathe and LET IT GO for now. 

Those of us who are sensitive, empathic and/or intuitive have the perfect skills to help us through these times… if we remember to use them. Can we trust our deep feelings and our inner knowing? At least, can we allow them to speak? We often ignore signals from our body. We have things to do! We tend to push through feeling tired or confused and just do what feels easiest. What if we stopped for a minute and listened?

As feminine people, some of our natural feminine abilities are intuition, empathy, creativity and communication.

In a world that calls these soft skills, we’ve learned to adopt and value more masculine traits of independence, logic, and competition. So we feel we should figure things out alone, use our rational mind and gauge our progress against what others are doing. This causes chronic stress because we are designed to take things slower, be more contemplative and respond from our feelings first. But the world, and  our lives, run too fast for this way of living.

You have to be the one who slows things down. No one will give you more time, you have to take it. Honoring your body’s messages has to become a priority if you want to regain your vitality and excitement for life. You are allowed to structure the pace of your life to meet your own needs. Fortunately, you have everything you need to do this right inside you!

Lets go back to those qualities of sensitivity, intuition and empathy – these are your natural leadership abilities. How often are you using them, giving them some space to weigh in on your decisions? Have you ever sensed something is not right for you, but you went in that direction anyway? Maybe you trusted someone else’s idea more than your own. Has that ever felt satisfying? Nope! 

Try sensing your body’s wisdom and trusting your inner knowing.

Your sensitivity can show up as a physical aversion to something or someone. Your intuition may come up as a spark of interest, a curiousness, something  or someone you are drawn to. Your empathy is a relational feeling – “I get you”, a feeling of kinship with someone.

I’m in the middle of a decision about expanding my coaching business and its slow going. It’s hard to wait for the pieces to come together. My logical mind wants to move things forward, make a choice and start, but I’m staying in waiting mode. I keep telling myself that the all research I’m doing counts as progress. Every new idea, new connection and new bits of information bring me closer to a decision. I’m letting my feminine qualities weigh in on the decision-making. Does this feel right for me? Is this a person I would enjoy working with? 

So far I have passed on a partnership that would be just right except the lead person was very stressed causing me to feel anxious around her. I passed on someone who was very supportive and knowledgeable but she didn’t offer everything I need. 

I’m allowing things to progress naturally, no pushing, panicking or beating myself up.I am the leader of my business. I know what I need and want. I can trust my senses, and intuition to lead me in the right direction. Quick decisiveness is overrated! How are you trusting and honoring your feminine leadership abilities? 

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