May 3, 2021

John Oliver is Telling us all We need to know about Vaccines & Anti-Vaxxers.

Some say that John Oliver is just a comedian, but I feel that he is the voice of reason we all need to listen to.

Most of us are over the endless fights on social media, misinformation on television, and arguing with other parents—but it seems as if some of us still do not understand the basic idea of vaccinations.

On his show “Last Week Tonight,” Oliver takes us through the most popular conspiracy theories, myths, and fake news on vaccines.

If you are reluctant to get vaccinated, I highly suggest watching these 20 minutes of debunking almost everything that might have caused a lack of enthusiasm toward the vaccine on your side.

Countless scientists tried to convince us for almost a year, but sometimes it takes a brilliant comedian to do the job. Sometimes I wonder if we should just listen more to comedians.

Some of us don’t enjoy watching the news—and I totally get that—so why not try something new?

Oliver is not the only comedian who can help us follow the news and enjoy a good laugh along the way. If you want to stay up-to-date and almost have an allergic reaction to watching the news, why not watch one of the excellent entertainers providing us with (almost) all the information we need?

Trevor Noah, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Myers, and many others offer entertaining journalism that is often more on point than questionable anchormen like Tucker Carlson, who are spreading misinformation for a living.

Maybe comedy can help us to overcome the (hopefully) last months of this pandemic—and maybe it can be a gateway to watching the real news one day.

And once you are done watching, think about who could really use this information in their life right now. Maybe you can help one person to overcome their anti-vaxxer position that is most probably based on one of the lies Oliver debunks in this clip. It has never been that easy to be of benefit.




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Robert Busch  |  Contribution: 160,835

author: Robert Busch

Image: LastWeekTonight/YouTube

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