May 8, 2021

When Self-Care Requires Shopping.

If the year 2020 taught me anything, it’s that I wait too much.

It has been several years since I purchased a good pair of shoes, mainly because we often find reasons to wait.

Maybe we should wait until we’re in better shape, have a bit more money in the bank, or feel better about ourselves—waiting for that magic decision-making machine to power up.

And then we recognize all this waiting is mostly our various denials around about self-care.

Walking through the woods on the wobbly footpath surrounded by the 100-foot trees, bird calls, and the sound of silence calls for solid treads. And yet, I still denied myself that 100-dollar pair of runners.

We don’t always recognize that the waiting games are the actual culprit. Instead, we blame it on our resistance for getting in better shape or whatever else we say to ourselves. But more often than not, it’s a direct result of not giving yourself permission to take care of yourself.

Base your choice on what you want and can afford without compromising your daily expenses—not on the harsh demands that you first need to sign up for that five kilometers, lose weight, or fill your bank account. Then you can buy them free from excuses from our nagging insecurity.

Shopping for yourself is like saying, “You’re worth it!”

Life isn’t all work and no play. Honor yourself and do things solely from a place of caring for yourself. Being willing to put yourself first—even if only this time.

How do you do that? Take note of how you feel.

When we feel the tactile comfort of your new purchase on your physical body, it serves as a reminder. Whether it’s a new chair, new shoes, or makeup, we can feel the sensation on our bodies. Notice how you stand up just that little bit straighter with the new dress, or shoulders straighten when you look in the mirror at your new makeup, or maybe that new chair has a visceral response with how it looks in the room. Enjoy it, and your body vibrates accordingly, which attracts more positive energy your way.

When we buy something we’ve denied ourselves, it’s like stepping up and saying, “We matter!” We do matter, and the more we acknowledge that, the more we will empower ourselves.

Our minds can now stop ruminating on the wish and shift their focus to appreciate the purchase—allowing more space in our heads to express gratitude and use that new energy to build more dreams.

So go ahead and make that purchase. It helps you and helps others who need your support. It’s a win-win.


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