June 10, 2021

9 Things I’ve Learned (the hard way) while Navigating this Beautiful Life.

These thoughts were originally penned for my tough farewell from work where I had spent five years with roughly 60-hour work weeks.

I had lost my job due to the pandemic, which invariably left me stranded in my country of assignment. A couple of these are my original thoughts, and a few, which have been inspired through my readings.

Here we go:

1. Nobody ever talks about the skill of being good at life, at things that truly matter. Life-nourishing friendships and remembering birthdays and keeping your word. Like drawing boundaries and being around. Being in touch and treating people right. Slow down and pause once in a while, and honour the simpler moments.

2. When anybody tells you who you are—don’t listen. And extending that a bit further, if anybody tells you that you’re not good enough—don’t listen either.

3. Confidence is key, but content is king. Know what you’re talking about, and know your work. When you know your stuff, you don’t need fluff.

4. Don’t forget to have some fun! Be silly. Make mistakes. It’s okay!

5. Tone down the overcritical voice in your head. Talk to yourself with the same gentleness and patience that you’d talk to your best friend with if there were going through the same scenario.

6. Don’t forget to focus on the rest of your life outside working hours. Try to work nine hours and only nine hours. In that time give your all, but after that make time for hobbies—to build your home and to have a good life. Your work is just a fraction of the rest of your life.

7. Appreciate more! Appreciate effort even if it doesn’t give you the desired results. Appreciate even the attempts and give yourself some more credit too.

8. Try Yoga. One of my life-changing discoveries. Try yoga, at least once (Yin Yoga is my absolute favourite). I am a different person from what I was for many reasons, and one of them is yoga.

9. “People will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Inspired by the one and only Maya Angelou. Focus on how you make people feel. It’s never the words as much as the emotion evoked.

Endings invite beginnings and if you want to grow—you’ve gotta let it go!


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author: Sana Sui

Image: Vladimir Tsokalo/Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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