June 22, 2021

A 20-second Reminder for Every Day.

Some years ago, I lived in an area where the local children played on the streets. My own children being young, I would stay outside with them, and often see and talk with the older ones.

I got to know a neighbour who must have been about 11 years old. He was considerate, courteous, and held an intelligent conversation. As we talked, I realised how he felt about himself, and recognised a lack of self-worth and self-confidence.

It broke my heart that such a lovely young boy could struggle in this way.

I saw in him a wonderful human being, with a life of potential, and I wanted to do something to help him. I looked for a book, but found nothing that said what I wanted it to, which I felt would appeal to someone his age—so, remembering my early poetry lessons at school, I wrote him an acrostic poem.

I have since shared it with my own children, and have it written on chalkboards in my home—a good reminder for me, given my own sense of self-worth still fluctuates on occasion.

You can adapt the last line according to your feelings each day.

Over the years, I have used:

>> You are enough.

>> You are worthy.

>> You are free.

For anyone who needs a mindful reminder today—We are:

Able to Fly

Anything is possible.

Believe & it will be.

Listen to your heart.

Embrace opportunities.

Trust your instincts.

Overcome challenges.

Follow your dreams.

Love & be loved.

You can succeed!

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author: Amy Vanheste

Image: Fröken Fokus/Pexels

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