June 9, 2021

Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse: Weaving New Stories into the Fabric of our DNA. {June 9/10}

New Moon

“Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy!” ~ Ed.


“If you fight for your limits you get to keep them.” ~ Jim Kwik

It’s no coincidence that I’m quoting ‘The Brain Guy” at this Gemini Solar Eclipse because Gemini and its ruler Mercury represent the mind. And the mind governs how we receive and perceive information, how we dissect, organize, and find patterns in our environment (which are localized in the brain), and how we communicate our own version of reality, and the story of who we are within it.

The sun, moon, Mercury, and North Node of the moon are all gathered in close proximity in Gemini at this eclipse, which makes it an extremely powerful time to create change. The North Node represents the direction of our soul’s growth, and is guiding us to take a leap of faith into our dharmic future, while Mercury in retrograde is causing our minds to go within so that we can dig up our wild and undomesticated soul’s purpose and create a future that is in deeper alignment with it.

You may have found yourself absorbed in your thoughts these past two weeks; perhaps you’ve noticed your self-talk, your perceived limitations, or even traced your personal stories (and how they shaped the world around you) back to their origin. This was inspired by the Sagittarius lunar eclipse, and we’ve been closing out old beliefs and dated opinions ever since.

Gemini, in its infinite curiosity, wants to know and understand so that it can communicate from a place of truth, because knowledge is power. So as we’ve followed this natural process of discovery in the lead up to this eclipse, we may have become more empowered with the realization of the totality of who we are, and out of that, we may have come to understand the influence that culture, our parents, the economic environment we were raised in, have had in shaping our beliefs and the direction in which we’ve taken our lives.

We may also reach the realization that we are more than our stories, that in fact, we are pure consciousness having an experience, and that our understanding of ourselves is just a channel, a looking glass, through which consciousness can experience itself.

Neptune, in tense conversation with Mercury at the eclipse, is activating that innate urge to embrace our spiritual nature, to go deeper into self-inquiry, to find our voice, and re-create ourselves from a mystical place that is deeply imaginative and boundless. Mars will be moving into fire sign Leo just after the eclipse, giving us the courage to follow our hearts, embrace our unique self-expression, act on our new ideas, and shine our light into the world.

This brings us back to the quote that opened the conversation:

“If you fight for your limits you get to keep them” ~ Jim Kwik.

Let’s dig a little deeper here because the self-awareness that comes with sitting in the truth of how we treat ourselves is vital to the process of freeing us from the past.

Has your internal dialogue argued in the defence of your doubts?

Do you make a solid case for your fears?

Have you fought to justify the reasons you are not following your heart?

No judgment here, just self-reflection.

What new words, feelings, and stories can you replace the old ones with so that you can become your own biggest supporter and most inspiring fan?

Write your new story!

Saturn in its retrograde cycle will be in a friendly aspect to the eclipse, supporting us in the process of committing to our new stories by reaching into resources of our past that have been successful, including creating practical goals and applying discipline and a healthy mindset that helps us stay on course.

Saturn is also in the process of coming into an exact square with Ceres and Uranus, which will inspire an innate need to understand who we are as individuals and how we fit into the collective with our unique voice and purpose.

Though there may be some tension between wanting things to stay the same and wanting to try something completely new, this square will ultimately help us integrate the future with the past by becoming open to trying on new belief systems that have freedom and equality at their root, while still applying respect and responsibility to the ways of the past.

Einstein said, ‘The same level of thinking that created the problem won’t solve the problem.” And this square is perfect for helping us seize our inner authority to think outside the box.

Five planets are in mutable signs making us, and our brains, more flexible, open to innovative thinking, and adaptable to change so that we may weave our new stories of who we are, where we came from, and where we are going into the fabric of our DNA.

Let me know your thoughts, and what seeds you are planting at this New Moon Eclipse below!


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author: Dorothea Lucaci

Image: efes/Pixabay

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