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July 28, 2021

4 Steps for Holding Onto Your Success

Good things don’t last forever, right? But what if I told you that, with the right skills, you could go on to enjoy your success for longer before moving onto the next chapter of your story?

I know from experience that learning to master your own success is no easy feat. With so much noise to contend with on our TVs and newsfeeds, it’s inevitable we feel distracted and anxious from time to time, and even start to question our own vision of success! Not only this, but we move through life made to believe that success only touches the lucky few, and that it is – more often than not – a short-lived experience. The truth is that success, in its many forms, looks different to everyone. For some, a successful existence is about owning that six or seven-figure business, while for others it may be striking the right balance in order to spend more quality time with family. With COVID-19 further transforming our perception of what success truly looks like, it may be the ability to indulge in life’s most simple pleasures.

So, once we finally find ourselves achieving that success, what’s stopping us from holding onto it? We may feel on top of the world once we begin to see our hard work pay off. Yet when we allow it to slip through our fingers, we are opening ourselves up to feelings of shame, blame and guilt that didn’t previously exist – with the power to override that success entirely. In my early years as an entrepreneur, I saw my two greatest successes come and go so quickly, that before I knew it my whole world came crashing down. Before I even hit my thirties, I’d made and lost two multi-million-pound fortunes. I’d worked passionately and tirelessly to manifest that success into my reality, yet I let it get away. If I could be successful yet lack the ability to hold that success in my hands, then what was the point?

This led me to consider suicide so seriously, that I threw every ounce of my being into discovering a method that stuck (and that I could use to successfully to reach that outcome). Yet, through building my Beyond Intention Paradigm, I found myself choosing life – and choosing to help others do the same! Comprising four clear steps, my Beyond Intention Paradigm evolved from a previous modality of mine to help everyone retain their success through the following stages: Accept, Clear, Gratitude, and Listen. Here’s 4 ways you can hold onto your success:

Step 1 – Accept 

Everyone makes mistakes, and step one is about inviting that regret back into our lives so that we may make peace with it. Arguably the hardest step of all, ‘Accept’ asks us to seek the honesty and transparency within ourselves to transcend the hardships we carry from our past so that we may progress with acceptance. Only by holding ourselves accountable for our actions (both conscious and subconscious) can we move forward from a place of truth – minus any feelings of doubt, anxiety or fear.

Step 2 – Clear 

The second step ‘Clear’ is about being present in the moment so that we may manifest success from a place that is real; we cannot make real physical change in the past or the future! Whether in a constant state of distraction due to our own worries or regrets, or we come to realize we are following somebody else’s narrative, the truth we abide by must belong to us if we wish to effect real change. By thinking and acting from a place of honesty, step two equips us with the ability to make choices powerful enough to manifest that success into our reality.

Step 3 – Gratitude 

The third step ‘Gratitude’ is a fascinating one. While gratitude may once have been something we ‘aimed’ to feel after hitting the jackpot, Beyond Intention Paradigm invites us to embody it before we reach our end destination. As everything we experience is as a result of expectation, gratitude can positively edge us closer to our vision if that promise to ourselves already exists. By reversing our approach in this way, we can use gratitude as a tool to change our path and shift our mentality to better facilitate what we want. 

Step 4 – Listen 

The fourth and final step is ‘Listen’. In other words, listen to the fact that we are only human and will most definitely make mistakes! Taking a step backwards is part and parcel of the journey. But by embracing those failures and letting go of the illusion that is perfectionism, we can celebrate that journey of learning and healing, and make progress from a place of truth (and from a place that counts). As opposed to hindering ourselves over feelings of shame or guilt, listening can help us be that little bit easier on ourselves when the going gets tough.

So, what are you waiting for? Accept, Clear, Gratitude and Listen could help you shape a future abundant with the long-lasting success of your creation. Wherever you happen to be on your manifesting journey – and whatever your end destination may look like – go forth with grace and compassion and know that you do hold the power to hold onto your success. 


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