July 20, 2021

A Definition of Life that helps me Work through my Fear.

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Life is a tunnel of deviations.

It is a tunnel filled with unforeseen hollows and pits, translated into fleeting moments.

For some people, life is easier than it seems. For others, life is a crossroad that everyone has to tread.

However, others see life as a battle; every night, they ponder new tactics to conquer that battle and step into the next day.

Those others have a list of achievements to finish before the ever-so-feared deadline. They take vows and swear to keep them till their last breath.

They search for the smallest moments of emotional release, yet they consider neither its outcome nor consequences until they find themselves lost in a loop of insecurity and fear.

They find themselves stumbling every day and enduring a long depression, until they sort things out and look at their lives from an outsider’s perspective.

When things start to get clearer day by day, they realize that they’ve reached the finish line of a long, exhausting road, and they’re ready for the harder journey, only with more confidence and awareness.

Let me be cliché in my last words.

Life is a tunnel of deviations.

It is a tunnel filled with unforeseen hollows and pits translated into fleeting moments, but “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

Embrace your mistakes and let them be examples for the newbies trying to cross this road.

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Tanya Medlej  |  Contribution: 1,125

author: Tanya Medlej

Image: madebyralu/instagram

Editor: Michelle Al Bitar

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