July 21, 2021

When our World Crumbles, we are Given a Choice.


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You may have spent many years—and a lot of hard work—climbing the mountain that is your life.

You may have believed that you will be happier and more fulfilled once you get to the summit.

And even when you were shaky, and the rocks you reached for were hard to grasp, you kept going. The blood, sweat, and tears were a reflection of how much you wanted to get to the top.

If you’re anything like me, you did make it to the summit and got to enjoy the view for a short while. But, if your story also plays out as mine did, it didn’t take long for the ground below to break, for the mountain to crumble, while taking you along for the ride.

And with even more effort than it took to climb up, finding your way out of the rubble was your new starting point. Only this time, it was dark. And this time, your destination was unknown.

I believe that it is in this place of darkness we are given a choice:

We can stay put, worry, cry out “why me?”

Or, we can use the same perseverance we used to get to the top to find our way out.

We get to see our unknown destination as a fearful and uncertain place. Or, we get to see it as a blank canvas, and the potential to rebuild.

The choice is ours to make.

I am not saying it will be easy. I am saying that we have the grit, the strength, the creativity, and the light within to help us find our way.

Let putting one foot in front of the other be enough for today. Let the hope that there is a brighter future fill us with the energy we need to move on.

When we choose to forego our instinct to give up and move steadfastly without evidence that all will be okay, we learn to trust.

It is in this space that new opportunities are born.

I wouldn’t be who I am today had my mountain not crumbled. I am enjoying the view of my new path. Instead of waiting to see the summit I pushed myself to reach, present moments now bring me joy.

The mountain is you, and the choice is yours to make.


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Meagan Doumont  |  Contribution: 1,540

author: Meagan Doumont

Image: julika.illustration/Instagram

Editor: Nicole Cameron

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