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July 26, 2021

Don’t Stop Feeling

Do you still do things that touch your soul? Is your life filled with not only joy, but amazement, curiosity, willingness to explore the unknown and step outside your comfort zone.

For a moment in time, I lost my sense of connection. When too much happens. When we hurt or are too busy, we can switch off our emotions as a way to protect ourselves. If you notice disconnect from your life, from your loved ones, lack of passion to what you used to love. Don’t stand idle. Do what it takes to search for your feeling of purpose, feelings of joy and caring, feeling of being touched by the presence of others. Be touched by the magical play of the universe – Leela as you are lucky enough to get to witness it. Sometimes this can be difficult, considering the times we are living in but there is plenty of magic left in the world. Go experience it, find magic in the everyday.

Dare to not mind what others think. Dare to stay true to yourself, to seek your path, to explore, to learn, to fail, to love and to lose. To keep asking questions, to wonder, to believe.

That’s what I did too. I found magic in the everyday; from the community, from trying new things, from learning, from loving, from showing up, and from being truthful and authentic. Ultimately it’s only up to us. It’s our own responsibility to show up for ourselves. We exist together as part of relationships, families and communities but we stand as individuals as the creators of our existence and rulers of our time on this earth, even though we can’t affect everything that happens to us. Make it count in the way it really matters to you. This may require letting go of some stuckness, of values which society around you has imposed on you. Of forgiving and moving on, of making peace, of letting go of fear.

I promise you, it’s all worth it because we are meant to Live our lives to the fullest. Not to stay small, living a life in a mold created by someone else. Take anything that you’ve done and perhaps a friend or a family member thought was a bad idea, but there was something in you, moving you forward, outside the box, letting go of the familiar and stepping into the new and unknown, not knowing what would lie ahead.

As Anaïs Nin said; “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through.” Thrive for the best version of yourself, for living your fullest life. Whatever it means to you.

Sat nam.

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