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August 1, 2021

Just Breathe

Photo by Alexandr Podvalny on Pexels.

“When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace.”

One of my favorite quotes, because it’s true.

For breath is life. We need it to live.

It grounds us. It connects us. It energizes us. But most importantly, it continually brings us back to the present moment over and over again.  After all, the present moment is where we live.  It is the only moment we truly have.

Our breath draws our attention inward so we can better connect to ourselves, which in turn, allows us to better connect with the world outside of us too.

We can easily get overloaded and over stimulated with everything outside of us if we are not paying attention which leaves us feeling disconnected.

Our breath is the way, the way back to self. It is the way for us to connect, ground, focus, and find calm when we are stressed.

When we are stressed, our breath and body changes. The breath becomes short and shallow in our chest and our physical body tightens up and creates sensations of discomfort,

Until we recognize and tune into the discomfort and the quality of our breath, our bodies and mind will end up staying in that heightened stressful state, which only leads to further stress and discomfort.

But when we stop, pause and become familiar with our breath we welcome a more relaxed one into our body and come down out of that stressful state.

It’s simple. Stop. Be Still. Follow the breath as it moves in and out.

Just Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. Repeat.

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