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July 1, 2021

Spent Weeks Messaging Him and He’s Not Even Single? Next Time Do This Before Meeting Him Offline

Photo by Tim Douglas on Pexels.

I matched with this guy on Tinder. Spent weeks exchanging messages with him. Going in full swing during the day, but from around 9 PM he’d go quiet.

Gym sessions, the quality time with his mates, helping his grandma to replace her sink, working towards world peace. You name it.

Later I learned he was married.

Stop Wasting Your Time

Instead of spending weeks chatting to him, get him to call you instead. So simple, right?
Be smart about it.

If he’s messaging you all day long, but he can never call you ‘outside the office hours’, this might be a red flag.

I don’t want you to get discouraged and start thinking that if he’s not on his phone 24/7 and if he’s got a social life, hobbies and responsibilities outside his work life that something must be fishy here. Absolutely not.

You’re a smart lady. You can clearly see a difference between someone who’s living fully and someone who’s living full time with his Mrs and is avoiding to talk to you on the phone because he’s eating his wife’s prepared dinner or cuddling with her on the couch.

Eliminate the Fake Brat Pitt

Another reason it’s a great idea to get him on the phone is that he might be the most charming keyboard wizard behind his iPhone, but a completely different person face to face.

His energy and the way he is might be very different through text compared to the person he is when you’re physically next to him.

Not only will it help you avoid misunderstandings that come when texts are misinterpreted, but it will help you feel more connected with him.

Imagine how much better that first date is going to be if you’ve already spent an hour on the phone talking to your Tinder match about your favourite 90s songs and the best shows on Netflix.

And tell me if I’m wrong, but when you hear a nice masculine voice on the phone it does a little something, right?

Only For The Brave Ones

I’d go the extra mile and I’d FaceTime him. FaceTime?
Do I need to get the eyelash refill? No, you don’t.

Not only you will avoid messaging someone for weeks that you think is an Australian surfer, but then turns on a date and looks nothing like in his picture. But also, you will see the way he’s animated when he’s expressing himself. You will be able to see his smile and all the other juicy goodness before you meet him offline.

But I know that’s not for the lighthearted. It’s ok if that’s a bit too much for you. I’d still go for it. Try and see what happens.

Now I’d like to hear from you. Are you going to get on the phone with your Tinder match before you meet him offline? If not, why?

Tell me in the comments.

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