July 18, 2021

My Whimsey Heart & the Mirror. {Poetry}


My whimsey heart and childlike spirit are oh-so playful, inquisitive, excited about life, full of energy, hope and believe anything is possible.

But the lady who looks back at me from the mirror tells another story.

She possesses the calm and wisdom of her age, a sense of gratitude for making it this far, a few regrets, and a curiosity for what might come next.

She knows time is passing, so she embraces the gifts that arrive with each day.

The gray in her hair, folds in her skin, and lines on her face are the well-worn roadmap pointing to the places she’s been.

Her scars are the badges that honour her life and the lives she has brought into the world.

There is still much she wants to do, to see, to create, and love.

As she continues on her path, she will allow her inner child to remain playful, believing she can still be more than she is.

Her heart will continue to love and believe in the goodness that resides in everyone.

She will remain curious and her gypsy soul will continue to dance. And, her body, well, I will love her as she is.

I hope you live your days, being fully present, grateful, and in a state of awe for the adventure that is your life.

~ Toni O’Keeffe


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Toni O'Keeffe  |  Contribution: 3,880

author: Toni Okeeffe

Image: derek maguire/flickr

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra

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