Distance reiki and new moon magic with Healer, Imogen Rae Long
Love, money, and abundance were the new moon in Aquarius’ theme for February but what did that mean for you? Were you manifesting a hot new partner into your life, inviting the cash trees to start growing in your garden, or seeking out a life of fullness?
I decided to flow into my new moon’s night by starting with a distance reiki (energy healing) session from Imogen Rae Long. Fairly new in the field and still exploring the world of spirituality, healing, and her own journey – I was blissed out from afar and had my selenite (a type of crystal) and manifestations at the ready.
Imogen said ~ “Reiki is something you’re drawn to.” After being a client to one of her friends some years back – she knew this was the field she wanted to learn more about. And as a yogi (a person who is proficient in yoga) practioner – it was the next steppingstone on her trip through the universe.
Always being on the creative track, Imogen studied a photography degree in a UK university and her path was led to the various levels of reiki. Loving the ~ “instant recognition” from clients the healing provides – she is continuing to gain knowledge and useful understandings about each client.
Credit: Imogen Rae Long
New moon and full moon rituals
Imogen puts her crystals out under the moonlight and makes grids. This time she used Aquarius crystals, like aquamarine (a type of crystal) – tying in with the amazing energy from February’s new moon.
Her top tips are:
- A salt bath.
- Meditate.
- Write out your intentions and manifestations.
- Charge your crystals under the moonlight.
Energy clear out
My session began with settling in (over Zoom), briefed from Imogen on what was about to happen – then sent a beautiful YouTube clip to zone out to. As she was in the UK and me in Dubai – I meditated and she gathered her insights and thoughts from her part of the world.
She had set up an array of crystals on a bed at home – along the chakra points (energy) on the body – and away we went. Her intuitiveness and reiki training brought us on a journey together – where she collected data and had visions of my blockages, areas I needed balancing out, and important messages shown to her through various images.
Post-session I was sent a full description of what she had felt and areas she had cleared out for me. Along with this were the meanings of animals and symbols which came up for her – to see if I could resonate with them too.
Credit: Larissa Wignall
Distance or in-person reiki
As the pandemic is in play and many people are finding this whole new world difficult to adjust to – Imogen has her regular clients – and has also found newbies in need of spiritual healing.
This is a time for them to ~ “release emotions, level them out, and balance” and a sense of full-fillment in her role is gained when the client sends their gratitude post-session. For new clients – the messages seem to be stronger as they have been in need of therapy for some time and to be ~ “more in charge of their feelings”.
With Covid-19 changing the way we are communicating with each other; I wondered the differences between a distance reiki session and an in-person one. Going through distance reiki to ignite my February new moon desires – Imogen gave me the down-low on what she thought.
The only thing mixing it up between the two sessions is the practioner is with or without the client. Imogen said ~ “When it comes to reiki healing, intuitive messages I receive, feelings the clients get, and emotions afterward, that is all exactly the same with distance reiki.
“Preferring distance reiki sessions because of the pandemic – it makes more sense for everyone at this time,” – although she misses the social aspect of being around her clients.
Credit: Imogen Rae Long
Spirit animals and symbols
After receiving the report – I definitely needed to re-read once I’d woken from my trance-like state. That is the beauty and I suppose bonus of having distance reiki because you wouldn’t usually receive a full written explanation – the feedback would be verbal.
Imogen said ~ “Animals are normally the most common thing,” to see throughout the session and I had an abundance of spirit babies with me from snakes, elephants, swans, kangaroos, and a rainbow for good measure. She normally sees ~ “Symbols of spirituality of hearts, flowers, eyes, and eyelashes,” and to her, it symbolises reiki and energy. My kangaroos and swans were an exception for her to see and they gained some laughs in our chat together.
With energies at a high around the new and full moon, Halloween, and other spiritual days which resonate with a person’s mind – she thinks it’s a perfect time to get those reiki sessions booked. Or whenever they feel drawn to a particular day and suggests doing sessions in the evening time – in case they feel tired afterward.
Credit: Imogen Rae Long
Ancient healings
These practices we are studying and exploring are not new. They have been around for hundreds of years – way before our great grandparents. It seems we are more exposed and open to trying new things as the internet has exploded and gateways to indigenous (not a settler or colonial population) tribes and traveling are readily available.
Imogen said ~ “A confirmation of magic is the law of attraction and to manifest things into your reality – to get what you want out of life. If you’re clear about what you want – make sure you manifest things at the right time, especially with new moons – you can attract your dreams into reality.”
Something to take away from this is – we already have everything we need and all we want. It’s time to trust in ourselves and see our visions clearly through that little eye between our eyebrows – the one we don’t expose to the world – our third eye.
Write down on paper, through a ritual, at a reiki healing, or any other way you want to express yourself – and go after exactly what you want. As the current situation has taught us – tomorrow isn’t owed to anyone.
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