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July 12, 2021

Warrior Wings- Courage to Soar-

We can trust and overcome our fears. There is fear, we can be aware of the fear, acknowledge it, make space for it and then find the courage to fly fearlessly. Sometimes fear is the unknown, the uncertainty, the powerlessness and the reality that sometimes we don’t know…it is ok. Acceptance of what is, not necessarily having to be in agreement with what we are asked to accept but finding the courage to make peace, find acceptance and deeply trust.

Being willing to surrender the illusion of control and then finding a way to go with the flow, with resilience, a bit of tenacity and an open heart. Maybe we grow stronger, as we overcome the fear, we eventually find ourselves rising above and taking off courageously, trusting we can put on our warrior wings and soar.

We are brave- we are afraid yet we suit up and show up, we do the best we can at that moment and that is enough. Sometimes we score and sometimes we miss but the real win is that we showed up as our authentic self with courage and a desire to learn and grow, we don’t have to blame, shame another, there is disappointment, regret, guilt, the pain of the loss. In the pain there is a space to then heal, to connect in our hearts and to believe we are enough. We trust, connect, rise above and continue to shine.

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