When we are young and beautiful, we are also foolish.
Like Bambi clumsily stumbling around.
Our vision is not yet clear.
Our emotions largely rule us.
We don’t yet know ourselves.
But with each year comes opportunity.
A chance to soak in expanded awareness.
To gain control over outcomes.
To earn wisdom.
And to experience true, soul-lifting joy.
The gray hairs and decreasing collagen are a small price to pay.
Because each decade brings new depths.
And those taking the dive have a calm, knowing twinkle in their eye…
instead of a nervous presence, as they frantically try to tread water in vain.
The hard truth is, you can’t have both.
You either tread on the surface or you dive in.
Youth is not to be worshipped.
It’s not to be chased in vain with a needle of Botox.
You can’t bring a rose back to full bloom when its time has passed.
Youth is merely a phase…the first chapter to be embraced and let go so you can experience what’s next.
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