August 31, 2021

Fragmented Loneliness & Hope. {Poem}

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Fragmented Loneliness

I see the entire world for what it is, a conundrum of people dishearten.

I see all the people, alone, cooking for one, living in the light of a single lamp.

I see everyone wishing that things were different, that they could hug a loved one.

I see a world full of lost souls floating out of their bodies, dazed as they look back at their body just going through the motions, no connection, no pure joy.

We see each other but walk right by. We ignore the others, the different ones from us, when fundamentally we are all the same. Two eyes, one nose, two arms, one heart.

We see the loneliness, the fear, the hatred seething behind clenched teeth. We sneer at others instead of smile, we walk on the other side of the street, when all we each need is connection. A smile, a fist bump, a kind “How do you do?”

We feel each other’s pain even if we do not recognize it. We hope for something to come to help in healing our broken bodies, our heartened minds, and today we took a step. A healing beginning. We ushered in a man, just like all the others, but we held hope for this man to be a light we so desperately need.

Today we stepped forward in love, not fear. This man, our new president, his vice president, our first female in this office. We entered a new time dear loved one.

Lonely, living in solitary confinement, these two humans, we put our faith in.
Faith we will see the world restored and no longer disheartened.

We pray to see families cooking Sunday suppers again for all the family, even the distant cousins.

We have hope in our future, a future where we wish hugs to return, that hand-holding was okay, that being wrapped in love was once again safe.

We hope to reconnect our minds and bodies and souls. To put ourselves back together, to allow our families to heal, to have connection, and experience pure joy once more.

Now we hold our breath. We go back to spreading kindness, to people singing out of windows, to people doing workouts on roofs, we go back to life one step at a time with new leaders. These leaders need us to send light, love, and happiness their way. They have the weight of their country on their shoulders.

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