August 6, 2021

Leo New Moon: Awakening your Lion’s Heart. (August 8, 2021)


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“Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy!” ~ ed

Wow, are you feeling the energy of the Leo New Moon rising to a crescendo as it reaches its fullness?

I am. I see and feel it all around. I see fire and turbulence, I see passion and rebellion, I see creative breakthroughs, I see open hearts alight with potential, and expansive visions of the future awaking in people’s minds.

With the electric Aquarian energy active in the sky and the Leo New Moon connecting our hearts and spirits to the Lion’s Gate Portal, we are entering into a moment in time that is fertile ground for change, leaps in consciousness, revolutionary fresh starts that honour our heart’s desires, flashes of genius that take our creativity to new highs, and an awakening of freedom that inspires us to embrace and express our unique individual flair for life.

The Lion’s Gate Portal is activated when Sirius, one of the brightest stars in our sky, rises in the constellation of Leo to disappear, and then reappears in the night sky. According to ancients stargazers, Sirius is our spiritual sun, and when the Lion’s Gate opens, it helps us calibrate to our destiny and awaken our spiritual awareness of self.

A New Moon in Leo (the sign of our inner sun, the heart), paired with our spiritual sun (Sirius), on August 8 (8/8), adds the potent symbology to this time with a nod to infinity, and to our own timeless and infinite nature. When you have those epiphanies, those moments of realization of your infinite potential, what new possibilities awaken in your mind?

This is that kind of time.

Change is not easy though, sometimes we wait for seemingly impossible situations to move us out of our comfort zones.

Right now, we have Uranus, the planet of rebellion, individuality, freedom of innovation, detachment, genius, and change—squaring the Sun and Moon, creating that sense of friction in some area of our lives that may very well need a shakeup. To add another layer to the nature of this transit, Uranus will be turning retrograde just after the new moon, bringing our attention inward to do the deep inner work of change, the most potent kind.

In times such as these, when we are forced toward the sharp edges of our reality…when the external world creates uncertainty and chaos, the soil of our personal growth comes to life.

A moment of choice is presented.

And from the seeming chaos, a heart-based reality asks to be birthed into our lives.

The Leo archetype infuses the heart with the sun’s glow, with confidence, courage, dignity, love, and joy. It asks us to step into leadership and rule with sovereignty over our own kingdoms. To love deeply and immerse in the process of creation with our entire being. And to become present to life, like a child at play.

Connecting to this archetypal energy will help smooth the transition into a life where our dreams are manifested.

The Full Moons in Aquarius that are taking place on either side of this New Moon are showing the edges of that very kingdom, and the beliefs and experiences that created them so that we may break free and break through them.

Are your edges too tight? Do you need space to expand and grow?

Get your intention-setting work done.

Where have you held yourself back, and why?

The world needs your unique gifts and talents. Aquarius reminds us that we are weaved into human community with great potential to evolve. Within which we can create ways to be our authentic selves, and do so amongst a sea of individuals who cocreate in love and harmony.

What do you want to share with the world?

Mercury is traveling close to the sun and moon, improving our communication skills, creating mental clarity, and inviting eloquence and concise expression to our speech. To further enrich this experience, Neptune, Saturn, (and Jupiter, between them) are activating a powerful yod, a healing alignment with Mercury. Helping us focus, show up for the hard work, exercise discipline, but also create space for dreaming and divine inspiration to inform our creative process. With Jupiter traveling through this yod, our luck, abundance, optimism, and sense of opportunity are expanded.

How to make the most of this New Moon.

If you’re ready to see your life with a fresh perspective, if you’re ready to change your outlook on your future, then take the time to sit and meditate at this New Moon.

Allow your mind to travel freely between possibilities, notice your limits, and envision what it takes to break free of your limitations.

Take the time to set intentions while considering the kind of kingdom (or inner landscape) you want to rule over. What emotions and thoughts dominate this world?

Connect to your heart and allow its golden glow to courageously light the way into a new kind of reality.

With love and light,



More on this full moon: Lion’s Gate Portal & Leo New Moon: 8 Ways to Maximize the Energy. {8/8/21}


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Image: asjaboros/Instagram

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