September 20, 2021

255 Liberating Words on Fear.


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What thoughts move through you when you feel fear?

What do you feel?

What do you do?

What do you hear

With your inner ear?

What is your most powerful,

Instantaneous, knee-jerk reaction?

Probably to do anything to avoid

Feeling it.

What if instead of fighting and resisting,

We learned to sit still,


And listen?

What if its tugging, pulling energy

Was only trying to get our attention

So it could tell us a story

So we could understand the message

Its lesson?

Instead of running,

Could we just become still and listen?

Feel it?

Experience it?

Allow it to be present?

Our emotions speak to us without

The words

We’re used to hearing

They communicate through a different medium,

A felt experience.

What if our thoughts and worries

Were erupting

So we could understand the core, underlying


For why they exist?

For things we don’t even know we hold inside

Unconscious thoughts and beliefs

That are governing how

We choose to move and live and spend our days—

Without us even realizing it.

Instead of running, what if we

Just listened

Became still, soft, and present?

What if these fears

We’ve grown to fear

To run from and avoid

Were opportunities to heal

Parts of us deep inside?

What if each fear

Was only a message

A lesson

To be learned

A story

That wanted to be heard

Something that simply wanted

To be acknowledged

Listened to




And cleared?

What if fear arises,

Because it wants to

Liberate us?


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Lisa Erickson  |  Contribution: 255,220

author: Lisa Erickson

Image: hollysharpe_drawings/instagram

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