September 20, 2021

4 Ways to Support Ourselves as we Move Out of Our Comfort Zone.


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It never ceases to amaze me that I have taught self-love, self-care, and self-awareness for 15 years now and it is still sometimes a struggle.

It makes me recognize how important it is to get these messages out there—because if I teach this for a living and still struggle sometimes, how does everyone else feel?

I recently was given the opportunity to be interviewed on a local Tampa, Florida TV station. Wow, what a morning that was before I met with her. I applied and reapplied my makeup and did and redid my hair.

I was struggling with the thoughts that were in my head, doubting I would be good enough, smooth enough, quick enough, intelligent enough to manage the fast-paced questions that come with a TV interview. I noticed the thoughts and asked myself, “What can I do to support myself?”

I did four things that helped a lot that I think can help you too if you are struggling to step out of your comfort zone.

Four ways to support yourself as you move out of your comfort zone:

1. Reach out for help

I told a few people close to me I was struggling and received their confidence, encouragement, and love. Reaching out to another person shows vulnerability and allows you to own where you are but also informs you that you are in a space where you can use some help. Just as you would want to encourage a loved one struggling with confidence or the ability to step out of their comfort zone, by reaching out, you allow someone else that opportunity—and boy, you will both feel good for it. The person gets to help you, which makes them feel good and you will feel better having received that support. Be sure to say thank you and feel that gratitude!

2. Remind yourself the reason you are taking this step

It is important to get in the energy of why you want to do this thing. You are not stepping out of your comfort zone to torture yourself—you are doing it because you love yourself and want better for yourself. I love talking and helping people love themselves, and the theme, “It is time to give yourself the love and attention you deserve!” is what I truly believe in my heart and want to get across to people. It was important for me to remind myself why I was doing this and to get myself pumped up about the result—more people having some tools on how to love themselves.

3. Recall a time where you succeeded

For this instance, I did have a time I was on PBS, but man, that was uncomfy too. But I got through it. That time I had to have my makeup and hair professionally done and be under bright lights as the interview was in person and I was all kinds of nervous. But I made it through to the other side. Whether it is a similar situation you can call to mind or something totally unrelated, remind yourself of a time where you did make it to the other side of your comfort zone and there was no negative consequence.

4. Practice 

Go over in your head what it will look like. Our fear can be overwhelming and make us go to every worst-case scenario. But will you allow yourself to go to the best-case scenario? Whether it is a new class you want to take, a new strategy at work you want to try out, a tough conversation you want to have, or however you are thinking of getting outside your comfort zone, it will go a whole lot easier if you practice best-case scenario. Go over it in your head. Imagine the relief that will come afterward. Give yourself credit for this step you are about to take. Feel the feels of being in it and through it to the other side and show yourself love.

The interview was four minutes and I must have spent hours thinking about it that day. When I was in it, I felt in flow and answered the questions that were given to me without much thought. I had my favorite crystal in hand (yes, one for the throat chakra) and told myself “it would be okay.”

And it was.

I made it to the other side. I did not break down during the interview. I gave the information I wanted to give and it was over four minutes later. I was relieved, amazed at how fast it went, and…did I mention relieved? I received great feedback from it, which was an added bonus, but most importantly, I did it!

Giving yourself permission and support while stepping through fear and out of your comfort zone may not feel easy, but you will be so grateful for it.

Use these tips to take that step and support yourself. You deserve it!

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author: Jenny Mannion

Image: katja.perez/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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